Why War

Mehak Grover
We preach about peace, teach our kids to be polite, and talk about love, but sadly, war wins.
War is often romanticized in literature and glorified in movies as a heroic endeavour where brave soldiers march into battle, fighting for their country and their beliefs. However, the reality is far more grim and tragic. War is the destruction of lives and minds. It brings chaos, suffering, and irreparable damage to individuals and societies. It is a brutal and destructive force that ravages lives and cripples the human mind. Throughout history, nations have engaged in destructive conflicts, leaving a trail of death, despair, and trauma in their wake.
As the bombs rain down and bullets fly, innocent people are caught in the crossfire. Soldiers willingly put themselves in harm’s way, but the majority of casualties are civilians who are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Families are torn apart, children are left orphaned, and communities are left shattered. The loss of human life is immeasurable and incalculable, as each life extinguished is a unique story, potential, and contribution lost forever. The loss of human life is the most significant, irreparable consequence of war. Each life lost is a tragedy, extinguishing the potential for happiness, growth, and contribution that each individual had to offer. War not only destroys lives on the battlefield but also ripples through homes and societies, leaving behind a legacy of grief and trauma.
Moreover, war inflicts profound psychological damage on those involved. The horrors witnessed in war zones, the constant exposure to violence, and the fear of death or injury leave an indelible mark on the minds of people. People may experience nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, and depression long after their tours of duty have ended. The mental scars of war are deep and enduring, affecting not only the individual soldiers but also their families, friends, and communities.
It tears apart the very fabric of a community, often incurring long-lasting divisions and enmities. The destruction of infrastructure, homes, and industries cripples economies and creates long-term dependency on aid and assistance. The displacement of populations, as seen in countless refugee crises, further exacerbates the suffering and instability. The consequences of war are not limited to the battlefield but extend to every aspect of society, undermining the foundations of peace, stability, and progress.
It is rightly said, “Only the dead have seen the end of war.”
Furthermore, war tears societies apart, creating divisions and fostering hatred. The manipulation of propaganda and the dehumanization of the enemy distort the minds of those involved, making it easier to justify the violence and atrocities committed. War breeds hatred, deepening racial, ethnic, or religious divisions. The devaluation of human life becomes normalized, and the cycle of violence perpetuates. The destruction of lives and minds becomes a vicious cycle that seems almost impossible to break. Minds are poisoned, empathy is lost, and the potential for reconciliation and understanding is diminished. The destruction of minds through war contributes to a toxic environment that hinders progress, sows discord, and perpetuates conflict.
Whom are we fighting with? What is the intention? Aren’t we all humans? First Ukraine and Russia, and now, Palestine and Israel. Already COVID-19 has taken away so many lives. We have lost our humanity, we have lost our ability to think wisely. We have become demons. Only demons can see children dying.
War is not the only solution. It is a catastrophic force that destroys lives physically and mentally. It leaves no aspect of human existence untouched, leaving behind devastating consequences. The death toll is unfathomable, and the psychological trauma endured by soldiers and civilians alike is immeasurable. The scars left on the human mind may never fully heal.
Killing innocent people, including children, is never a justifiable solution. It is a tragedy that innocent civilians, including children, often become victims of war. The loss of innocent lives is one of the most devastating consequences of armed conflicts.
It is high time that humanity recognizes the devastating consequences of war and works tirelessly to prevent and resolve conflicts through peaceful means.
In the words of Mahatma Gandhi-
” I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.”