Inner Voice

My Everyday

Every day I think,
Every day I need,
With the aim in my hand,
Positive things around my land.
Every day I get,
Every day I want,
Which is requisite to achieve,
Positive guts to believe.
Every day I feel alone,
Every day I pray
to God, give me my aim,
With me in myself and a single name.
Every day I desire,
Every day I aspire,
a good memory and a flight ,
to soar my life really very high.
Every day I work,
Every day I strive,
to make people happy around,
To give my best in every around.
Every day I motivate,
Every day I care,
Myself to keep going on,
Who cares for me and I move on
I’ll keep on doing such every day,
Close to my aim I’ll stay,
Its a matter of Gods blessing and my hard work,
God put me across or give me a jerk.

Veenu Pandit,
Nagrota, JAMMU.


The other day I got the flashback of my childhood,
when by my side, my Father always stood,
No matter what the demand had been,
My Father always fulfilled, Nature has seen……….
Emotional was the night when while crying I was choked,
Your sleep passed away as if someone had poked,
The fear in your eyes, I still try to recall,
was not any fear but your love above all……………….
Piercing was the moment when you slapped on my face,
I could feel your pain when your heart beat in pace,
You put your brave front; to ignore you were trying,
because your love: couldnot see me while crying………….
You raised me up with all the dignity you have earned,
I am enriched with the morals from you I have learned,
The lessons I have practised will help me remain true,
No matter what the situation but I will always be through…………..
This day when I am almost grown up,
Strong enough my hands to hold the cup,
I may not be Perfect but a promise do I make,
You will always be respected like the fish do the lake……………


True Friendship

True friendship starts with desire,
It is the one you can’t hire.
It is sharp as edge of a knife,
Not so easy,it ends with life.
Several promises are made ,
Life is little for their sake.
Problems don’t come with
solutions file,
Happines lies in making the other always smile.
Only heart’s voice is heard,
Joys and Sorrows should be
It is true that God makes pairs,
One can’t see other’s tears.
There is no entrance for lie,
For one’s sake other can die.
Friendship should be as strong as a metallic alloy,
May God bless friends with every happiness and joy.

Sahil Goonyal
Muqaddas Higher Secondary