AIJMS demands ownership rights of custodian land, OBC reservation

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 21: All India Jat Mahasabha (AIJMS) today urged upon the Centre Government to provide ownership rights of custodian land and OBC reservations to Jat community.
The demands were raised during All India Jat Mahasabha (AIJMS) during a grand Jat Maha Adhiveshan held at Tal Katora Stadium, New Delhi.
Presidents of State and Union Territory, along with their teams, graced the event, marking it as a national summit of great importance.
Ch Manmohan Singh, President of AIJMS, Jammu & Kashmir also attended the convention.
Addressing the participants, Ch Manmohan Singh expressed his heartfelt gratitude towards the Jat Maha Sabha and the community for their support and recognition of his efforts. He asserted that whenever we get the opportunity to work for society in any position, we should respect the chair and give our 100 percent to fulfill the assigned task.
Ch Manmohan mentioned that more than 5 lakh Jat community members residing in Jammu and Kashmir, and out of which, 3.5 lakh Jats who belonged to the Chamb Sector were migrated to Jammu in 1947, 1965, and 1971. He mentioned that the then State and Central Governments had settled the migrated Jat community on Jammu borders and allotted them land chunks for their survival.
Ch Manmohan Singh made a strong appeal to the Central Government for direct compensation to Jat families affected by land acquisition for government projects, bypassing the custodian department.
Additionally, he urged for the expedited clearance of the OBC reservation file, to bring J&K Jats on par with their counterparts across the country.
The convention concluded with a powerful message of unity and determination.
Avtar Singh, District President of Kathua, Reena Ch. Mahila District President of Samba, and Sat Pal Ch, Tehsil President of Kathua, accompanied Ch Manmohan Singh from Jammu.