Arthritis should be listed along with BP & diabetes: Experts

THIRUVANTHUPURAM, Dec 2: There are 60 million arthritis patients in the country, but  the disease is yet to be considered a major non-communicable disease  (NCD) when health policies  are initiated by the authorities, experts  said at a global conclave.

This was highlighted during a  discussion at the ongoing fifth edition of World Ayurveda Festival (WAF)  here on challenges posed by diseases which are not spread by  human-to-human contact but pose major health problems like diabetes,  blood pressure and heart ailments, a release said on Saturday.

Dr  Arvind Chopra, distinguished Scientist Chair, AYUSH for public health  and epidemiology, said a national survey on musculoskeletal pain had  shown that those affected by arthritis are 0.32 percent.

“But  that number when multiplied by the Indian population figures shows there  are 60 million people affected by it. Moreover, many people affected by  the problem do not seek medical help until it aggravates to a serious  level,” he said.

Diseases like arthritis and diabetes can be  controlled effectively if Ayurveda treatments are given in combination  with other treatments, the experts said at the five-day conclave, which  began on Saturday.

Two other experts, Prof Anup Thakar, Director  of the Institute for Post-Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda,  Gujarat, and Valdis Pirags, Professor of Medicine, University of  Latvia, presented evidence from different studies to show that the use  of Ayurveda in combination with  yoga can effectively control and even  reverse diabetic conditions in people.

Prof Thakar said a global  study done in 2021 found that 532 million people were suffering from  diabetes and the number was projected to hit 783 million by 2045.

“What  is more scary is that 266 million people identified as diabetics in the  survey didn’t know they had a health problem,” he said.

Prof  Pirags, who had translated some works on Ayurveda into Latvian language,  presented a detailed study to show how the hypothalamus area of the  brain that controls endocrine systems affects diabetics, and presented  evidence about the benefits that Ayurveda treatment brings to such  patients.

He said combining the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and modern methods of western medicine is the way forward for modern science.

Prof.  S. Gopakumar, Government Ayurveda College, Kannur, delivered a compelling speech by showcasing individual case studies from his  experience to show how Ayurveda provided effective treatment even in  aggravated diabetic and respiratory cases.

He pointed out that  the modern medical methods were not having the desired effect on the  patients, forcing them to seek his help.

He also said the recent  spike in air pollution levels in New Delhi emphasized the need to  improve immunity at the community level rather than approaching it at an  individual level.

Ayurveda as a system, which focuses on  providing better health for the individual rather than treatment of  disease alone, is ideally suited to modern-day ailments that stem from  lifestyle changes, the experts said.(UNI)