KPSG urges Union Government to constitute Truth & Reconciliation Commission

Excelsior Correspondent
Delhi, Dec 15: The Kashmir Policy and Strategy Group (KPSG), headed by Senior Advocate, Ashok Bhan held an extraordinary executive meeting in Delhi to take stock of current Kashmir Imbroglio after the Supreme Court Constitutional bench judgment on the validity of abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution.
Bhan, Chairman KPSG said while the judgment of the constitution bench of the Supreme Court of India regarding Article 370 will continue to invite intense scrutiny and analysis by legal and political pundits, the broader message from the judges is loud and clear.
Bhan said the subject of Jammu & Kashmir has always been enveloped in a dense opacity with layer upon layer of distortions of history, self-serving myths and competing political interests. Peeling off these layers by revisiting history, without prejudice on the real issues involved, can only help in our search for a brighter tomorrow for Jammu & Kashmir.
He said KPSG has been continuously holding dialogues by way of intra-civil society webinars, meetings and interactions through social media platforms, emphasizing on the dire need for giving a closure to the sordid and brutal phase of societal devastation, death and destruction that has engulfed the larger south Asian region in general and Jammu & Kashmir in particular.
He said the Kashmir valley carries a historical burden in a social context. The people are carrying the burden as victims of conflict from 1947 and continuing consequences of armed insurgency resulting in exile of the religious minority and killings of innocent civilians in the violence perpetrated by non State actors, others brutalized anti human groups including the State actors.
He said in order to heal the wounds and make a forward movement and restore coexistence, tolerance, mutual respect and communal & societal harmony; a truth & reconciliation commission should be set up expeditiously. The Commission will investigate and report on the human rights violations by non-state and state actors perpetrated in Jammu & Kashmir at least since 1980s and recommend measures for reconciliation.
Bhan said KPSG unanimously welcomed the finding and the command of the Supreme Court. Not only the civil society but the people in general and urge the Union Government to act upon the commandment of the Supreme Court in this regard urgently and live up to the responsibility and respect for Constitutionalism.