Women have significant role in shaping J&K’s future: Shameema

* NC only solution to end people’s woes: Rattan

Excelsior Correspondent

BISHNAH, Dec 17: The Jammu & Kashmir National Conference Women’s Wing president, Shameema Firdous today asserted that women have a significant role to play in shaping the better and peaceful future of Jammu and Kashmir and as such women cannot be ignored in any way.
She expressed this while addressing one-day women’s convention of the party held at village Deoli in Bishnah today as a chief guest. The convention was organised by Bimla Luthra, State vice president Women Wing of the party. Rattan Lal Gupta, Provincial president for Jammu presided over the function.
Shameema said it is the determined, brave and motivated women in J&K who despite having been ignored and facing hardships under the incumbent dispensation continue to come forward to shoulder the critical responsibilities. She said that women are taking a lead in the movement for restoration of abridged rights of people of this region. She said that the present governance is marked by widening gender disparity in the region besides rising unemployment, development deficit and deepening uncertainty having affected everyone in the region.
However, women are the worst sufferers amongst them as the prevailing political or social issues have had a devastating effect on their dignity and lives in J&K. Lauding the women for their marvelous role despite all odds, she urged them to continue their relentless fight for their rights. She said along with the restoration of democracy, the struggle for the return of special privileges can be fought only when NC is strong for which women have a crucial role to play.
Earlier, Bimla Luthra apprised the senior functionaries of the party about the problems being faced by the women folk and people residing in border areas.
Rattan Lal Gupta, while accusing the Govt of failure in J&K, has asserted that NC is the only solution to end the people’s miseries thrust upon them by the incumbent Govt. Gupta said that the people of J&K have witnessed the worst form of governance under the incumbent Govt. He said that the BJP Govt at the Centre has brought anti-people policies that have virtually broken the backbone of the common people. He said that youth and women have become the worst sufferers during the present regime.
Sheikh Bashir Ahmed, Provincial secretary, Vijay Lochan, Chairman SC Cell, Abdul Ghani Teli and others also spoke on the occasion.