Dr Krishna Gopal stresses on doubling RSS ‘Shakhas’ by 2025

‘Sangh committed to make India Vishwa Guru’

Avtar Bhat

JAMMU, Dec 17: Laying emphasis on doubling the number of ‘Shakhas’ by 2025 when Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) will be holding its centenary celebrations, Dr Krishna Gopal, Seh Sarkarivah (additional general secretary) of Sangh today asked all the sister organisations to intensify its public outreach all over J&K.
Addressing the concluding Coordination meeting of Sangh offshoots including BJP here, Dr Gopal said that people of the country have many expectations from the Sangh and “we have to come up to that”. He said the nationalism is the core issue for the Sangh and RSS neither made any compromise on that nor will do this in future.
The RSS leader who sought complete report and feedback from the leaders of all 37 orgasnisations of the Sangh including BJP on their working said that every organization has to redouble its efforts to ensure the message of Sangh reaches to every household in the UT of J&K and the number of ‘Shakhas’ will double by the next year when RSS will be holding its centenary celebrations.
Dr Gopal, while giving full credit to Modi Government in crushing the terrorism asked the Sangh cadre to work in close coordination with the Government to send a loud and clear message across that people of J&K are one in defeating the designs of anti national elements who sow the seeds of hatred among different communities and are hell bent to create destruction and devastation.
He said Modi Government took praise worthy steps in combating terrorism and this is the first Government which chased the ultras to finish, the heat of which is felt even in neighboring country. He said the Pakistan which is main force behind over 30 year long turmoil in J&K has now itself fallen in the trap as the terrorists whom it supplied arms and ammunition and gave training on its soil are now revolting against it. This way Pakistan is reaping the fruit of its own bad deeds, he added.
The RSS leader also discussed the prevailing political situation with the leaders of all sister organizations and asked them to work for imbibing the spirit of patriotism and nationalism among the people. He made it clear that Sangh is not against any community or religion but it is working for fostering inter community bonds and strengthening brotherhood and peace which is imperative for the progress and development of the country.
“The main objective of Sangh is to make India Vishwa Guru (World leader) and present Government is also committed to that, he said. But this objective can be achieved when total peace and brotherhood prevail in the country,’’ he added.
He said all communities including Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians who believe in unity and integrity of India, respect its age old culture and traditions, value its great men and love the nation, the Sangh has no problem with them. However he made it clear that RSS will never tolerate the forces inimical to India who try to demolish our culture and ethos.
He said India is for every Indian and since the Sangh was framed in 1925 much water has flown via Ganga and Yumuna. “Our activists have seen many upheavals and many gladly laid down their lives for nation”. He said during last 100 years since Sangh came into existence, the country has retained a lot what was lost about 800 years of foreign invasion and rule.
Dr Gopal said “Today Government is in our hands and India has gained the prestige among the comity of nations’’. “Our country is becoming a powerful nation as it has made rapid progress in all fields during last 10 years and the day is not away when we will regain our lost glory and become the world leader’’, he added.
He asked the leaders of Sangh bodies to ensure that Ramjanam Bhoomi Kalash Yatra taken out in connection with inauguration of Ram Temple at Ayodhya on January 22 reaches every nook and corner of the UT and every household gets involved in it.
During his interaction with BJP leaders he also enquired about their preparations for coming Lok Sabha poll and sought complete feedback from them in this regard.
The BJP leaders including Party JK UT chief, Ravinder Raina, general secretary (Org) Ashok Koul, MP Jugal Kishore Sharma, former CMs, Dr Nirmal Singh and Kavinder Gupta, party general secretaries, Dr Divender Manyal and Sunil Sharma participated in Coordination Committee meet.
Besides, Prant Pracharak RSS Rupesh Kumar, VHP chief, Leela Karan Sharma, SDS chief, Purshotam Dadichi, RSS Sangchalak, Dr Gautam Mengi, VHP working president , Rajesh Gupta. General secretary, Abhishekh Gupta, leaders of Hindu Jagran Manch, Snaskar Bharti, Bajrang Dal, Purav Sainik Parishad, Seema Jankalyan, Sanakar Bharti, Sewa Bharti, Shiksha Bharti and all other 37 offshoots of Sangh attended the two daylong meeting.