Medical leave now requires certification from Board
Irfan Tramboo
SRINAGAR, Dec 25: Earlier ensured through the certificates provided by the private clinic doctors, but from now on, the staff of the Government Medical College, Srinagar and Associated Hospitals (GMC&AH) dealing with the patient care will have to obtain certification from the Standing Medical Board if they intend to seek leave on medical grounds.
At the same time, the female employees intending to take Child Care Leave will now be required to provide the necessary documents to the hospital authorities for verification for the leave to be granted.
These decisions, along with a few more related to shifts and duties, were made during a meeting of the Medical Superintendents of all the Associated Medical Colleges with the Administrator of the GMC&AH, Srinagar held recently.
According to the minutes of the meeting, in possession of Excelsior, it was reported that with the onset of winter, many employees, especially female staff, apply for extended leaves based on medical certificates from doctors at private clinics.
“Similarly, some female employees seek extended leaves for extraneous purposes, such as staying at home or traveling outside the UT during winters under the guise of Child Care Leave.”
After thorough discussion, the minutes state that, henceforth, all applicants seeking leave on medical grounds should obtain medical certificates from District Medical Boards/Standing Medical Board of SMHS Hospital, Srinagar, exempting maternity leave applications.
“Regarding the grant of Child Care Leave, it was clarified that leave is not an absolute right, and such leave should be sanctioned for genuine and bonafide purposes…”
It has been decided that applicants should be asked to explain, with clear and explicit terms and documentary proof, the type of service they have to render to their children during the leave period.
“The leave sanctioning authority should cross-check the service book, DOB of the child, and CPIS ID of the applicant to ensure consistency in the DOB records.”
The meeting noted that some employees have sought Child Care Leave with fake and forged DOBs. “Moreover, while granting Child Care Leave, it should be ensured that the delivery of patient care services is not compromised.”
It is worth noting that the meeting, chaired by the Administrator, was convened to discuss issues related to the rationalization of duty rosters/working hours and to formulate a strategy to overcome staff shortages.
During the meeting, it was revealed that employees attending night duties from 10:00 AM to 10:00 AM the next day (24 hours) are unable to fulfill their duties adequately and remain in the Hospitals on night duty “solely to get longer offs.”
“This practice adversely affects patient care services and results in staff shortages, making it challenging for the Medical Superintendents to manage affairs.”
While the “ideal solution” has been given as a three-shift mechanism-which has been labeled “currently impractical”-it has been decided to adopt a two-shift mechanism in all Associated Hospitals.
In this mechanism, an employee attending night duty is allowed two days off-one day pre-off and one day post-off, corresponding to the night duty.
The meeting also informed that some employees have applied for promotion to the next higher levels, and it has been observed that, after being promoted, “many employees refuse to perform assigned duties, citing seniority or supervisor roles.”
As per the minutes, it was clarified that nobody is exempt from duty related to patient care. It was also noted that employees from level 4 to level 7 are appointed to provide patient care services, and these pay levels are meant to provide financial incentives for dedication and commitment, “not to exempt employees from legitimate duties.”
The issue of some employees refusing night duties and other assignments, citing a lack of personal transport and accommodation within municipal limits, was also raised during the meeting. Regarding this, it was stated that employees receive HRA and transport allowances, eliminating reasons to abstain from assigned duties.
Medical Superintendents, in this regard, have been directed to maintain strict discipline, utilize available manpower optimally, and report non-compliance for disciplinary action, which may result in demotion or declaring disobedient officials as deadwood. Latest, a letter has been sent to the MSs, seeking a compliance report within a day.