AAP takes out ‘Badlav Yatra’ from Akhnoor to Khour

AAP workers taking out ‘Badlav Yatra’.
AAP workers taking out ‘Badlav Yatra’.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 14: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) – Jammu started its 5th day “Badlav Yatra” today from Kameshwar Temple Akhnoor to Khour area.
During the Yatra, the AAP volunteers were raising slogans against ruling dispensation for their utter failure on all fronts. The AAP volunteers said that since 2014 the BJP has failed to fulfill even a single promise. “In spite of the tall claims of the BJP Government at the Centre, the ground situation is entirely different,” they alleged.
The AAP volunteers lashed at the Central Government for taking the countrymen for a ride by issuing un-mindful demonetization breaking the back bone of Indian economy in respect of lowest ever GDP, ill-motived three black Agriculture laws giving benefits to friendly capitalists and taking the lives of about 750 farmers without showing a single word in remorse and now playing a cruel joke with crores of young qualified, unemployed youth of the country by bringing in ‘Agni Veer’ Yojna.
“Destroying of constitutional institutions, auctioning public owned units to friendly industrialists, bribing Supreme Court of India judges to be nominated as Rajya Sabha Members, silencing electronic & print media, enacting most obnoxious and anti-farmer laws and later on nullifying the same, allowing unbridled price rise on kitchen by imposing irrational GST, shall prove very harmful for the countrymen and dangerous for the unity and integrity of the country,” the AAP volunteers warned.
They said that AAP is the only solution of all evils in the society and all traditional political parties are the chips of the same block, as AAP has revolutionized and galvanized the lives of Delhites which can be done here also in J&K if AAP is brought to power.
Prominent among those who joined the “Badlav Yatra” include Romesh Lal Bhagat, Ashni Mattoo, Kuldeep Kumar Rao, Nirmal Mahna, Amit Langer, Rajesh Pangotra, Advocate Dalkvinder Kumar Bhagat, Advocate Arvind Bandral, Sameer Choudhary, Sandeep Singh Parihar and many others.