Directive on Devika river

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has unequivocally instructed the Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control Committee (JKPCC) to diligently adhere to the specified action points outlined by the Joint Committee, acting upon the directives of the National Green Tribunal. The objective is to avert any detriment to the pristine natural flow and delicate ecosystems of the Devika River in the Udhampur district. A perusal of the report starkly exposes the alarming prevalence of encroachments along the banks of the Devika, yet an egregious lack of action has been witnessed. Despite the removal of dumping along the riverside, the relentless inflow of sludge and plastic waste persists unabated into the Devika through various drains. Astonishingly, no discernible sewage treatment plant or concrete plan for solid waste management has materialised, despite repeated impositions of penalties upon the Municipal Council of Udhampur. The cumulative impact of these deleterious factors is wreaking havoc on the ecological integrity of the Devika River.
Despite explicit directives about solid waste management and sewage treatment, both the Municipal Council of Udhampur and the UEED exhibit a conspicuous absence of any actionable plans to protect the Devika. The Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control Committee, purportedly tasked with overseeing environmental concerns, has regrettably failed to assert itself on this critical matter, allowing unabated environmental degradation to persist. In a timely and just intervention, the CPCB has rightfully issued directives, mandating the JKPCC to take stringent actions against the delinquent departments. The Devika River demands a synchronised and resolute effort to curb all forms of pollution. The pivotal role assigned to the Municipal Council of Udhampur cannot be overstated; this local body must assume its responsibilities with the utmost seriousness. The higher authorities must expeditiously address this pressing matter, translating the clear-cut directives from the National Green Tribunal into swift and effective actions. The preservation of the Devika River’s ecological sanctity hinges on the stringent enforcement of measures, and any laxity on the part of the authorities would be tantamount to a dereliction of their duty towards environmental stewardship.