39 killed in building fire in China

BEIJING, Jan 24 : At least 39 people were killed, nine injured and some others still trapped in a building fire in east China’s Jiangxi province on Wednesday, official media reported.

The fire broke out at a street shop in Xinyu city, the local fire response emergency headquarters was quoted as saying by the state-run Xinhua news agency.

At least 39 people were killed and nine others injured in the blaze, while some others are still trapped on the site, the report said.

Videos circulating on social media showed a column of thick, dark smoke billowing from the building, and fire trucks and ambulances were at the scene of the accident.

The building where the fire broke out had internet cafes and training institutions, Central China Television reported.

The cause of the fire is unclear and an investigation is underway.

Following the mishap, Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered steps to curb repeated occurrences of such accidents and to protect people’s lives and property and social stability.

Fatal fires in China are not uncommon due to lax enforcement of building and safety standards.

On Jan 20, at least 13 students were killed when a fire broke out in a school dormitory in central China’s Henan province. All the victims were third-grade students.

In November last year, 26 people died after a large fire ripped through an office building in Luliang city in Shanxi province.

A hospital fire in Beijing last April claimed the lives of at least 29 people – mostly patients – and triggered an investigation which saw 12 people detained by police for questioning. (PTI)