Chinese and Taiwanese officials hold groundbreaking meeting

BEIJING, Feb 11: In a major breakthrough, top officials from China and Taiwan today held their first high-level talks to deepen the mutual trust being built with various initiatives during the last few years.
Taiwan’s mainland affairs chief Wang Yu-chi and the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office head Zhang Zhijun held talks Zhang Zhijun, head of the China’s State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, in the Chinese city of Nanjing.
Wang’s visit is considered as an important breakthrough in promoting cross-Strait relations on the basis of adhering to the “1992 consensus” and deepening mutual political trust, China’s state-run Xinhua news agency reported.
Beijing follows one China policy under which Taiwan, which separated in 1949, was regarded as part of the mainland.
After decades of hostilities, the two sides warmed during the past few years with a host of initiatives including improving trade relations.
Before his departure from Taiwan, Wang told local media that he hopes to improve understanding and exchange views with his mainland counterpart.
Without the favorable development of cross-Strait relations since 2008, this visit would not have happened so easily, he said, adding “This is a hard-earned chance and I hope it will go well.”
Wang, who leads a delegation of more than 20 people, will visit Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum in Nanjing and deliver a speech at Nanjing University.
Shanghai will be his second stop. He will meet mainland experts on Taiwan issues as well as visiting Radio and Television Shanghai and a school for children of mainland- based Taiwanese businesspeople, according to the agenda. (AGENCIES)