Speaker talks tough

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 11: Talking tough, Legislative Assembly Speaker Mubarak Gul said today that he was going to take action against unruly legislators under Rules and Procedures governing the House and won’t allow the MLAs to continue to disrupt proceedings of the House.
Speaking to media in his office chamber, Mr Gul said the damages caused to the property of the House would be deducted from salary of the legislators, who damaged it.
It may be mentioned here that some chairs, benches and mikes were damaged by the legislators in the Assembly during the protests.
Charging the legislators with playing politics over the issue of administrative units, Mr Gul said he wouldn’t tolerate unruly scenes and would be forced to take action against the legislators if they didn’t maintain decorum of the House.
He added that he would fully accommodate the Opposition but they too would have to behave with discipline.
Later in a statement issued here, Mr Gul made a fervent appeal to the members of all political parties to maintain the decorum of the House and extend cooperation to him in running the proceedings of the House smoothly so that important issues of public interest are raised and discussed in the House.
Referring to today’s unhealthy incidents in the House which hampered the normal business, the Speaker urged upon the legislators to raise their issues as per the norms and procedure laid down in Business and Conduct Rules of the House. He said the members are at liberty to raise the issues of public importance in a democratic way, adding that hampering the proceedings of the House amounted to the wastage of precious time.
Mr Gul said that all parties were appealed in the meetings held earlier to extend their cooperation for running the session smoothly which he had also reiterated today.
The Speaker also expressed concern over the incident in the House in which a legislator Mushtaq Ahmed Shah and some Watch & Ward officials were injured.