Kichloo for community based disaster management mechanism

MoS Home Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo addressing State level conference at Police Auditorium on Wednesday.
MoS Home Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo addressing State level conference at Police Auditorium on Wednesday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 12: Underscoring the importance of collective and community based disaster management preparedness, the Minister of State for Home, Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo today called for a very high order of preparedness to deal with different kinds of natural as well as manmade disasters saying that J&K State is highly vulnerable as it lies in Seismic Zone-V, which warrants high standard preparedness and caution.
Speaking at the valedictory function of 3-days State Level Conference on the role of Civil Defense in Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation at Police Auditorium here this afternoon, Mr. Kichloo underscored the need for reviving traditional construction technology as it was more earthquake resistant. He also urged for reviving the traditional institution of Self-Help Groups at the village level besides reactivating traditional disaster management practices. He said though Government has put in place high tech gadgets to deal with disasters but much remains to be done.
The conference was organized by the Directorate of Home Guards, Civil Defence and J&K State Disaster Response Force. The conference was inaugurated by the Chief Minister on February, 10.
Besides, a large number of civil defence volunteers from across the State, the function was attended by senior police and civil administration officers including member National Disaster Management Authority, K M Singh, MLC Jehangir Hussain Mir, ADGPs, S P Vaid, Dilbagh Singh and Navin Aggarwal, IG, Home Guards, T Punchuk, D G Fire and Emergency Services, G A Bhat,  former DGPs, A C Chattervedi,  Dr. Ashok Bhan and senior citizens.
Mr Kichloo  said that Jammu and Kashmir is having a long history of natural disasters in view of its peculiar topography, rugged terrain,  extreme weather conditions  and poor road and communication network which have made the State prone to earthquake, floods, fires, drought, avalanche and landslides.
He said that State Disaster Management Authority as well as the District Disaster Management Authorities are being further strengthened and equipped along with strengthening of civil defence movement to make the disaster preparedness and mitigation measures effective throughout the length and breadth of the State. He expressed his optimism that the role of civil defence, educational and engineering institutions could play a vibrant role in disaster management, adding that State Government is ready to provide every possible assistance in this regard. He assured that the government will try to implement the recommendations of this conference in letter and spirit.
The ADG, Home Guard, D R Dolley in her welcome address gave a detailed account of the activities undertaken during the conference and said that the suggestions provided by the eminent experts have proved very beneficial for the State to put in place a vibrant disaster management and mitigation mechanism in the State.
During the concluding day of the conference as many as 9 experts delivered their lectures on various aspects of the disaster management and mitigation system which include, Prof. M A Malik, Jammu University, Smt. Abha Mishra, UNDP New Delhi, Vandana Chouhan, AIIDM, Ahmedabad, G S Saini, VSM, Director, NCDC Nagpur, Sujata Sathpathy, AIIMS, Major Gerneral, V K Dutta, Sr. Specialist NDMA, Sonam Lotus, Director MET, Prashant Dhar, CO, NDRF 10 Bn and P K Srivastava, CO NDRF 8th Bn.