Dismantling Terror Networks

The arrest of Adil Manzoor Langoo, a local terrorist involved in the tragic killing of two Punjab residents in Srinagar, sheds light on the persistent threat of terrorism in the region. It is commendable that the police, in coordination with specialised units, acted swiftly to apprehend the culprit and prevent further harm. The involvement of Pakistani handlers orchestrating attacks through local recruits highlights the transnational nature of terrorism and the need for concerted international cooperation in addressing this menace. Holding these handlers accountable, even if they operate from beyond borders, is most important. The seizure of property belonging to local handlers operating from Pakistan demonstrates a commitment to disrupt the financial networks that sustain such activities. The role of social media in radicalization and recruitment cannot be understated. Langoo’s connection with his Pakistani handler through social media underscores the need for greater scrutiny of online activities and enhanced digital vigilance. Parents and educators must remain vigilant and actively engage with youth to prevent their exploitation by terrorist elements.
It is disconcerting to note that despite concerted efforts to curb militancy, there remain active terrorists within Srinagar and the wider Kashmir region. JKP’s disclosure of the presence of both local and foreign militants underscores the persistent challenges faced by security forces. However, it also highlights the necessity of continued efforts to dismantle terrorist networks and prevent their resurgence. Every individual involved in terrorist activities poses a grave threat to peace and stability in the region. This arrest and the ensuing actions send a clear message to all perpetrators in Kashmir: there is no tolerance for terrorism anymore.