Pilgrimages Fortify Faith

O P Sharma

This travelogue in Dogri titled: “Char Dishan-Char Dham” by Narinder Bhasin, a broadcaster and writer, is a must reading for every readership, especially those interested in spiritual centres in India. Mr Bhasin 178-page book with some detailed account of such holy places and quality photographs is very interesting and informative. In fact, this first travelogue in Dogri sketches every minute detail that matters to anyone who is adventurous enough to embark on the pilgrimage. As the reader goes through the book, he or she enjoys the magnificent and spiritual journey to the sacred places across four corners in the country.
This 178-page book has 12 chapters including Pilgrimage to Jagannath , Dwarkapuri, Kedarnath, Gangotori, Yamnotori, Badrinath, Triputi Balaji, Kanyakumari, Rameshwaram and some other places across the country. Prof. Veena Gupta, a renowned Dogri scholar and general secretary Dogri of Sanstha, in the foreword has labeled this book as having high literary value and with large public interest. Another prominent writer Mr Chattarpal has good word for this travelogue written by Narinder Bhasin.
Pictorial Narrative
The book has tremendous literary value as it depicts the religious, cultural social and economic conditions of the people in India. The mythological and historical background of the places is depicted in the “Char Dishan-Char Dham’’ in an apt manner. In addition the book under review has a unique literary value which will enrich the Dogri language and inspire the budding writers towards this genre of creative work.
Mr Bhasin’s book is much more than a meticulously prepared diary which gives a comprehensive picture of all that one needs to know while planning a pilgrimage to “Four Dhams of ancient Indian faith”. It inspires and motivates you to go there as a sacred duty and thus explore the wealth of our proud religious, cultural and spiritual heritage that attracts heart and minds of millions of devotees. This book with good account and coloured photographs is a rare gift to the Dogri readership particularly useful for the intending pilgrims.
Pilgrim Centres
“Char Dishan-Char Dham” is a readers’ first choice and is vivid description of all four supreme spiritual seats of Indian faith representing East, West, North and South. The travelogue is one of the most comprehensive work in Dogri that has ever hit the stands on this important pilgrimage. It is like a beacon-light tower for the people who undertake the sacred duty of pilgrimage. “Char Dishan Char Dham” is a finely printed with an impressive get-up. The pictures have added to its value. For the author of this travelogue, the pilgrimage that he along with his wife Chanchal Bhasin, also connected with media, was an exciting experience for both and resulted in excellently narrating their experiences and impressions which will serve as a good guide for the intending pilgrims of Duggar region.
In terms of the language, the author has banked upon his rich experience as a newscaster in Dogri, the style and vocabulary are impressive indeed and its literary merit is on the higher plank. Another interesting feature is an “imaginary interview with Mata Ganga” in which the pollution of this holy river is discussed and way out sought. Environment is a very topical issue and made a fascinating topic by the author.
Readers’ Choice
Besides pin-pointing the significance of most important places of pilgrimage, Mr Bhasin has also pointed out some mal-practices at such holy places by few vested interest elements. The travelogue has made bold attempt to highlight the spiritual significance of the holy places and also underlined their role in creating sense of unity among the people. The book makes a fascinating reading and literally creates a virtual journey for the reader as if the reader is performing the visit.
“Char Dishan-Char Dham”, a well written and finely printed book makes interesting and informative reading for the Dogri readership who must thoroughly go through this travelogue. Mr Bhasin’s this book is a welcome addition to Dogri literature. This work is worth its while to have it on the shelves of the libraries and adorned in the personal possessions by Dogri readers. It is expected that this noted Dogri writer’ pen will give much more to the people.
(Starline Syndicate Service)