J&K Govt not to allot power projects to NHPC: CM

* Only elected members to head DDBs, BDCs

Gopal Sharma
JAMMU, Feb 17: Chief Minister  Omar Abdullah today said that State Government would not allot  any new  power projects to National Hydro-electric Power Corporation (NHPC) in future as it had not returned Dul Hasti and other projects despite repeated demands.
Replying to the discussion on Motion of  Thanks on Governor’s address in the Upper House of the Legislature here today, the Chief Minister said that his Government tried its best to get back the power projects from NHPC.
“We took   up this matter with the Prime Minister, Union Power Minister  and the Central authorities. The Prime Minister also tried to convince the Union Power Ministry in this regard. Rangrajan Committee and Working Groups have also recommended return of power projects by NHPC to the State but the Corporation has adopted a rigid approach. If it will not return the projects to the State, we have decided not to handover any new power project to NHPC in future,” the Chief Minister maintained.
Omar said it was a bold decision and added that the Dulhasti-II and Uri-II power projects earlier allotted to NHPC, have been taken back and will now be joint-venture projects. He said his Government pressed the Centre for the return of the old projects from NHPC, but in vain.
On power generation, the Chief Minister said that as against the indigenous power projects  of the capacity of 750 MWs established in State since 1947 up to 2009 which include 450 MW Baglihar project, his Government allotted power projects of the capacity of 1500 MWs in just five years. He said another 1000 MW capacity power projects are being allotted by the end of this year and a strong edifice has been laid to generate 9000 MW power in the State in the next seven to eight years.
Referring to the security situation, Omar said the State has witnessed  71 per cent decline in militancy in last five years and no collateral damage to civilian has taken place in the militancy combating operations conducted by the security forces. He  claimed that there has been a significant improvement in the security scenario while human rights violations have come down to almost zero.
While appreciating the security forces for exhibiting restraint even in challenging situations, the Chief Minister referred to the militant attacks on an Army convoy  and on the BSF at Bemina and said that these incidents  were example of troops not resorting to indiscriminate firing to save the life of innocent people. Although Omar praised the Army for instituting an inquiry into the alleged Machhil fake encounter, yet he expressed his dismay over its decision to close the Pathribal fake encounter probe.
“When it is established that innocent civilians have been killed, it is necessary to identify the culprits”, Omar said adding, “if the culprits are not those towards whom fingers are being pointed, then we have to find out who the real offenders are.”
At the same time, the Chief Minister gave full credit to the people of the State for the  gradual return of peace in the State and improvement in security situation. Without naming any party or group Omar said, “Many attempts were made and conspiracies hatched to disturb law and order situation in the State and create hurdles in the delivery of governance  but the people of the State defeated the elements behind these attempts and helped in maintaining  the calm  and carrying forward development in all fields, he said and referred to the Kishtwar, Zanskar and Budgam incidents fanned to create communal clashes in the State.
Omar rejected allegations in some quarters that the  current peace in the State was deceptive and achieved by force. “They (PDP)  want to carry on with false propaganda as if the Government has filled jails and pressurized people into staying peaceful. It is desire and will of the people to live in peace and create a conducive atmosphere for the same”, he said adding that only 2396 persons, mostly regular criminals were in the prisons in the State and only 35 people have been detained under Public Safety Act (PSA).
In an apparent attack on the opposition (PDP), the Chief Minister said while it was creating a din over democratic institutions  and methods, the party was itself engaged in disrespecting the same.
“Those who talk of institutions and democracy are seen disrupting the Governor’s address, breaking furniture and climbing on the tables in the House,” Omar maintained.
“How can you give lessons on democracy when you yourself indulge in the practice of defaming these,” he said without taking anybody’s name.
The Chief Minister claimed that the ruling coalition had worked in close coordination and there was never any disagreement or clash between NC and Congress  at Cabinet meetings in last 5 years, unlike when the opposition PDP had led the coalition Government. At an average, 30 Cabinet meetings every year were conducted during last five years, He also referred to the path breaking decisions of the ruling coalition including Right to Information Act, Public Service Guarantee Act, re-constitution of Accountability Commission with appointment of men with integrity and holding of Panchayat polls. He pointed out that some 80 services under 13 departments have been brought under the ambit of PSGA, making their delivery time bound.  It is now up to the public how to take benefit of the PSGA.
Referring to  the  Panchayati Raj system, the Chief Minister said that first tier of the system  would get fillip by the election of Block Development Councils (BDCs) and District Development Boards (DDBs).  He said incorporation of 73rd Amendment in Jammu Kashmir Panchayati Raj Act will pave the way for appointing elected chairmen of the BDCs and DDBs. He said the provisions of 74th Amendment are in place and the Bill for 73rd Amendments incorporated in the State Act will be tabled in the Legislature during this session. He said there will be no nomination for the heads of BDCs or DDBs as suggested by many sitting members, only elected members would head these institutions.
Omar also referred to the recent historic decision of his Government regarding creation of new administrative units in the State and said that this was the cherished desire of the people and the Government is receiving appreciation for this decision all across the State. There are many more achievements to its credit. He said during last five years about 8000 kms long roads have been constructed, 15000 kms macadamized and 19000 kms upgraded besides completing 500 road projects and 265 bridges. Over 1000 water supply schemes have been completed, 10,000 hand pumps installed, 200 water treatment plants established and 5000 schools provided drinking water. Besides this 26 new health institutions  and two maternity hospitals were established and 10,000 doctors and paramedics were engaged to provide staff in the health institutions.
With the launch of Udaan and Himayat schemes, the educated unemployed youth of the State are taking great benefits and getting good jobs in private companies. It could be possible with the support of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi. He also mentioned about increase in tourist influx during the last five years and said that it has remained over 10 lakhs in the Valley during 2012 and 13. The pilgrims to Mata Vaishnodevi have also reached one crore mark and it shows that situation has improved. The Agriculture and Horticulture sectors have been made tax free and many benefits are being provided to the farmers and fruit growers.
Omar said his Government has taken positive and effective welfare measures for Kashmiri migrants. He said his Government wants to create conducive atmosphere for the Kashmiri migrants in the Valley and 1500 jobs have been given to KP youth and more jobs are in offing for them.
Commenting on the youth willing to return to Kashmir from Pakistan without gun, Omar said we wanted that they should come via Uri or Poonch but the people on that side would not allow it to happen. They have stared adopting Nepal route and wanted to lead peaceful life leaving gun. The matter was discussed with the Union  Government regarding their rehabilitation and under rehabilitation policy 380 youth have returned from Pakistan. Only one has gone back. The Government would take all measures to improve their living condition, he added.
In his concluding remarks, Omar said, “We are going to people with out report card and ask them to judge us on our performance and delivery. We do  not believe in propaganda but in action. The actions of the Government on peace and development  front are before the people who will give their verdict twice during  this year regarding the performance and work down by the Government. We will respect the public verdict,”  he added.