Missing CAAQMS in Jammu

Missing CAAQMS in Jammu

For residents of Jammu, the air they breathe is becoming increasingly polluted, but real-time monitoring is missing. While Srinagar boasts a real-time air quality monitoring station, Jammu continues to lack this crucial technology, leaving citizens in the dark about the severity of the pollution they face. Despite the pressing need, the authorities have failed to replicate this crucial initiative in the Jammu region since 2021, leaving its residents vulnerable to the detrimental effects of deteriorating air quality. The situation in Jammu is dire. The air quality is steadily declining with dust from various under-construction mega infrastructure projects in and around Jammu. Moreover, smart city projects are also underway in every nook and cranny of the city. The other polluting factors include the burning of fuel and wood, industrialization, and the operation of brick kilns. Without access to real-time pollution data, the residents of Jammu are left unaware of the severity of the air quality crisis they are facing daily. The absence of Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations (CAAQMS) not only hinders public awareness but also impedes the formulation of effective policies and interventions to combat air pollution.
It is disheartening to note that, despite being mandated under the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP), the installation of CAAQMS in non-attainment cities like Jammu has been delayed. The excuses range from the expensive cost of the project to bureaucratic hurdles, leaving the citizens of Jammu at the mercy of polluted air. While Srinagar boasts a network of 19 air quality monitoring-manual stations and a fully operational CAAQMS, Jammu lags with only manual monitoring stations that fail to provide comprehensive real-time data. This discrepancy highlights the inequitable distribution of resources and attention towards environmental concerns across different regions of the UT. Without real-time data, it becomes impossible to accurately assess the air quality, identify pollution hotspots, and implement effective mitigation strategies. Studies have shown a clear link between air pollution and respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer. In the absence of real-time data, individuals, especially vulnerable groups like children and the elderly, are left unaware of the dangers they face. Jammu is striving to become smarter and more sustainable through initiatives such as the Smart City Project. However, without accurate data on air pollution, these aspirations remain hollow. Real-time monitoring is not just a tool for measuring pollution levels but a cornerstone for informed decision-making and sustainable urban development.
While funding constraints and bureaucratic procedures may pose challenges, they should not serve as insurmountable obstacles to ensuring the basic right to clean air for all citizens. It is the responsibility of the concerned authorities to prioritise public health and take decisive action to address the urgent need for air quality monitoring infrastructure in Jammu. The role of the Pollution Control Committee in this regard cannot be understated. As the primary agency responsible for environmental protection, the PCC must expedite the process of installing CAAQMS in Jammu. The assurance of proposed plans and waiting for approvals are not sufficient when the health and well-being of millions of residents are at stake. The delay in releasing funds should not be an excuse for inaction. The PCC should explore alternative funding options, including seeking public-private partnerships. Concrete steps need to be taken, backed by swift action and an adequate allocation of resources.
Furthermore, the involvement of the Ministry concerned is imperative. The absence of real-time air quality monitoring in Jammu undermines the Government’s commitment to environmental sustainability. In the absence of immediate action, the residents of Jammu will continue to suffer the consequences of poor air quality, with implications for their health, livelihoods, and quality of life. It is time for the authorities to demonstrate their commitment to public health and environmental stewardship by ensuring that every citizen has access to clean and safe air.