Call to the Nation

Dr. Gautam Mengi
The Indian nation as described in  VishnuPurana  is extended from Indian ocean in south  to Himalayas in North .
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The nation was administered in smaller units in the form of multiple states   ruled by independent sovereign  rulers.In spite of multiple states, it was still one Nation. The common culture, the geographical boundaries, the common ancestors, the common religious faith , the common great personalities, the common Sanskrit language made India one Nation.
The state of Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh in its present form was founded by Maharaja Gulab Singh in 1822.  The   far sighted vision of the founder and chivalrous General Zoravar Singh’s military campaigns extended the borders of the state to its Zenith.  2,22,000 sq. Km   formed the  total area in 1947. The borders of the state extended up toAfghanistan, Russia and China.
The British left India in  August  1947 declaring it as Independent Nation. But through their cunningness and revengeful attitude divided the Nation into Islamic state of Pakistan and remaining   India. Maharaja Hari Singh was the Sovereign ruler of  J & K state. On 26th Oct. 1947 the state acceded  to the Indian  Union.
Pakistan army along with tribal raiders attacked the western and Northern borders of the state in Sep.  & Oct. 1947. The J& K army was trying to defend its borders. The Indian army  joined the state army on 27th Oct 1947. The Pakistan army & the tribal raiders started fleeing and the Indian army  was advancing and  freeing the occupied areas.  On 1st Jan. 1949 suddenly Pt. Jawaharlal Lal Nehru, Prime Minister of India on the advice of Sheikh Mohd . Abdullahand  Lord Mountbatten declared cease- fire, thus stopped the advancing Indian army from liberating the Pakistan occupied territories. This was a  Himalayan Blunder In            J& K thousands  of men, women and  children were massacred in the raids. Thousands became homeless and  came as refugees. This painful story of partition and bloodshed did not end here .The enemy and rogue state of Pakistan instigated some misguided Muslims in Kashmir valleyand  started training terrorists in camps located in Pakistan and  occupied J &K, provided weapons & funds, assistance in infiltration of trained militants including foreign mercenaries with avowedpurpose of creating disorder, disharmony and  subversion.  This mayhem led  to ethnic cleansing of Kashmir valley. The Kashmiri Hindus were forced to leave valley. About three lac Hindus  fled the valley and became refugee in their own country.
The Indian Nation expressed its anguish on 22nd Feb. 1994 & passed a resolution unanimously in both houses of Indian Parliament .The Parliament  on behalf of the people of India  unanimously declared that:-
A)    The state of Jammu & Kashmir has been, is and shall be an integral part of India and  any attempts to separate it from the rest of the country will be resisted by all necessary means.
B)    India has the will and  capacity to firmly counter all designs against its unity, sovereignty andterritorial  integrity .
And demands that :
C)     Pakistan must vacate the areas of the Indian state of Jammu                                & Kashmir, which they have occupied through aggression .
And resolves that:
D)    All attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of India will be met resolutely.
”    Today on 22nd Feb 2014, I remind the Nation & its leaders our pledge to liberate the occupied territories and  ask them what have they done since 1994 to fulfill  their resolve. Resolution alone cannot regain lost parts of our Motherland. It is not just a piece of land ,it is our Motherland. It is not impossible. If Jews can get back their Motherland Israel after a thousand years wandering  and  the German wall can fall to unite East & west Germany ,our Motherland India can also regain its lost territories .All that is required is a determined Nation, selfless and  visionary Leaders in Delhi, a chivalrous General like Zoravar Singh.The coming 2014 general election is an opportunity to the nation to choose a bold and  determined  leader for the country who shall fulfill the Nation’s  1994 resolution.
(The author is  President, Jammu Kashmir Study Centre)