Governor presents state cultural awards

PANAJI, Feb 21: Goa Governor Bharat Vir Wanchoo has said that the strength and stability of our country basically rests on the unity of its people belonging to various religion, class, regions and castes and to maintain this unity amidst diversity, we have to nurse and nurture every aspect of our cultural heritage, which has come down to us from ancient times. .The Governor was speaking after presenting the State Cultural Awards 2012-13 at a function organized by the Directorate of Art and Culture at Institute Menezes Braganza, here. Sixteen artists were honoured with the State Cultural Award 2012-13 for their contribution in the field of Art and Culture. The recipients were Ulhas Velingkar (Music), Balkrishna Kelkar (Music),Hema Naik (Literature), Ashok Naik Tuyekar (Literature), Yusuf Sheik (Literature), Ajit Kerkar (Drama), Suman Pilgaonkar (Drama), Isabel de Santa Rita Vaz (Drama), Anil Devulkar (Tiatr), Marcelino Noronha (Tiatr), Wilson Mazarello (Tiatr) Hanumant Kambli (Painting),Mohandas Polle (Bhajan), Vishnu Shetgaonkar (Kirtan), Mahendra Phaldesai (Folk Art) and Kanta Gawade (Folk Art).
Hauns Sangeet Natya Mandal, Ponda was given award for the best cultural institution for the year 2012-13. Minister for Art and Culture Dayanand Mandrekar highlighted the importance of Art and Culture and stressed the need to preserve it for posterity.