Wake up Jammu

Our state is going for the general election of both the Parliament and the Assembly this year. Whole election machinery has been geared up for conducting peaceful and fair polling in the state. Electoral rolls are being revised, additions and deletion of voters is taking place. Special photo collection campaigns are being organised to prepare voter identity cards. But more than that young voters are being approached by Election Commission of India to take part in election process.
Underscoring the need to further strengthen democracy, the Election Commission of India has embarked on a national mission to bring more and more voters to the polling booths.
To achieve the objective, special emphasis is laid on young voters. This is because in India major chunk of population is that of youth who according to Dr Karan Singh is always the fountainhead of a nation’s idealism and constitute an immense source of strength, which, if properly canalized, can prove to be a source of great power to the nation.
To ensure participation of youth of Jammu district in democratic process ECI has launched promotional programm namely ‘‘Wake Up Jammu’’. Under this banner, another scheme known as Youth Unite For Voter Awareness (YUVA) has been launched. This scheme is exclusively for Jammu district.
Feeling quite enthused by the scheme, the youth community in Jammu district want to be part of this programme.
When asked  Amit Khajuria, a new voter said, ‘‘The ‘Wake up Jammu’ programme launched by ECI is laudable. It is making youth aware of their vote power, and the role youth can play in nation building. The programme is making a profound impact on the psyche of the young voters.’’
As a part of its programme Yuva is conducting various awareness generating  shows known as Yuva shows  at different places on different days in the city. The venues and dates have already been announced.
Another first time voter Vivek Jamwal says in a serious tone ‘‘I feel delighted that ECI has launched such a programme. This is a step in right direction particularly in present times when people feel dissatisfied and disenchanted with political system in the country.’’ He further adds participation of youth is quite necessary in national building task as youth form the vanguard of idealism’’.
However there are others who feign ignorance of such a scheme.  Says Meena Mahajan ‘‘ I am totally unaware of such a programme. However, now I would like to know the salient features of the programme and act accordingly’’.
The concept of Ethical Voting holds the key, in order to educate the voters on the sanctity of preferring their choice through the process of election. The lofty ideals of democracy cannot be realised to attain its sole objective. Since the process of election mirrors the hopes and aspirations of the people, this mega exercise should be conducted in a free and fair manner. Hence, to achieve this, it becomes more necessary to educate the voter  to use his conscious in voting than getting influenced by any inducements like money, muscles, caste, creed, language and religion.
Avinash Kotwal, a BA part I student says, ‘‘It is better to participate in electoral process rather than complaining  later on about the politcal system in the formation of which I had no role.’’
District Jammu has 11 Assembly Constituencies having a population of around 15.8 lakhs persons. In final published voter list of 2014, there are more than 9.6 lakhs of voters in Jammu district. However, the district had an overall voter turnout of 49.70% only in the last parliamentary election in 2009 which is not impressive. The participation of female voters was for less i.e 42.66% only. Though, the district witnessed a good turnout in the last assembly election with the overall turnout of 72.78%. However, there is a need to encourage and motivate the voters, especially the youth and females to come to the booths for voting even in the parliamentary election.
Says Ajeet Kumar Sahu District Election Officer  ‘‘The youth of the district must act as the gears of the engine of democracy to promote and protect the national values like secularism and pluralism in our country. Even one vote of one young person matters and it may be his/her vote that makes the difference in the outcome of an election. They must understand the opportunity cost and social consequence of not participating in the electoral process. Their non participation weakens our constitution and the country, its unity and diversity. Voting is not only a civic duty, but a social good and it is an emphatic declaration of being a part of the community.’’
Outlining the brief features of SVEEP programe Umang Narula Chief Electoral Officer Jammu & Kashmir says  ‘‘the  campaign has a unique multi-pronged approach, for generation of voter awareness, promoting ethical voting and bringing the youth to the booths along with meeting other targets of the electoral process such as collection of missing photographs, of registered voters and enrolment of eligible persons as voters. The campaign is also targeting the young generation through social media and online programs for increasing their access to election related information.”


Sr.     Venue/Area    Date
1.    Govt College For Women
Gandhinagar    17th Feb
2.    Govt Degree College Akhnoor    19 Feb
3.    Govt Degree College Bishnah    21 Feb
4.    Govt Degree College RS Pura    25 Feb
5.    Govt Women Polytechnic Jammu    3rd March
6    MIET Bhalwal    6th march
7.    Parade     8th March
8.    Jammu University    10th March
Enrolment of 18-19 years Voters
* All colleges to give certificates of 100% enrolment of their campuses i.e. their students and staff in a given format.
* All colleges to set up a ‘Voters Facilitation Center’ with one computer, webcam and internet connection.
* Meetings of all Nodal officers and Campus ambassadors were conducted by the EROs
* Teams of BLOs are being sent to colleges on rotation to assist the ambassador and facilitation centers.
* After completion of exercise campuses will be provided a certificate from CEO J&K, regarding “100% Enrolled Campus”.
4. Voters facilitation Centers – Apart from campuses Voters facilitation centers have also been opened/being opened at JMC, RTO Office, designated J&K Bank branches & HDFC bank branches. A computer with internet connection and a webcam shall be provided at all centers for facilitating the voters for online registration. Materials for their help shall be placed and one person shall also be trained for assisting.
Issued in public interest by www.wakeupjammu.com