Why Aging?

O P Modi
The question as to why one undergoes aging and could one escape it, has been a subject that has agitated the minds of philosophers, scientists, and those who attain the age of sixty or above. Yet no satisfactory answer has been made available so far.
One reason for aging is that generally after the age of thirty five the body cells die faster than they are created. This process affects the muscles, the bones and the nerves. Aging starts from that period. Unfortunately no solution to this process has been evolved so far.
It is recommended by some experts that Yoga could achieve the miracle. But others contest their claim. Hundreds of thousand men and women are busy practicing the art of Yoga. Yet none has reported complete success. However, there is no doubt that most of them are enjoying much better health and feel much increased vigour. They claim that they get sound and dreamless sleep as well. This in itself is an appreciable achievement.
Another important way to look younger is having a healthy bright skin. There are some ways which if followed can help in remaining younger.  Number one is not to smoke. Number two is to avoid passive smoking. It means that one should not sit near a person who is smoking.  This is why smoking is strictly prohibited in Cinema halls and other enclosed public places. Tobacco in any form is a potential threat to health and youth full appearance. It should be shunned at all cost.
Film stars and many wealthy persons get their skin wrinkles that make them look old to avoid it they get treated by a dermatologist. Though the cost of the treatment is too high they do not mind paying it. Their popularity is dependent not only on good acting but also upon youthful looks. A youthful look is desired by every one. It is not only the film stars even many rich old persons, particularly the ladies, get skin of their face tightened from a dermatologist.  It is not necessary that one should pay heavy cost for it. It is, however, possible to look younger if one eats a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Scriptures mention that in Mahabharata times people lived a healthy life and that too for over one hundred years. The reason given is that they strictly observed celibacy.  Bhisham Patama, the great grand father of Kurvas and Pandvas who was a bachelor and who exercised celibacy is reported to have lived for over three hundred years!
Suzan Obagi, assistant professor dermatology at the University of Pittsburgh and director of the Cosmetic Surgery and Skin Health Center, explains.
“Normal healthy skin has a nice epidermis with a smooth outer layer that acts as a good barrier to water and environmental injury. Skin color and tone is even and unblemished. Components such as collagen (which provides skin firmness), elastin (which supplies skin elasticity and rebound) and glycosaminoglycans or GAGs (which keep the skin hydrated) are all abundant. It is interesting to note that under a microscope a biopsy of a wrinkle exhibits no telltale signs that reveal it to be a wrinkle. So what causes the skin to look wrinkled? It is probably a multi-factorial process of intrinsic aging and extrinsic aging.
Intrinsic aging is the natural aging process that takes place over the years regardless of outside influences. After the age of 20, a person produces about 1 percent less collagen in the skin each year. As a result, the skin becomes thinner and more fragile with age. There is also diminished functioning of the sweat and oil glands, less elastin production, and less GAG formation. Wrinkle formation as a result of intrinsic aging is inevitable, but it will always be slight.
Extrinsic aging occurs in addition to intrinsic aging as a result of sun and environmental damage (tobacco use and exposure to pollution, for example). Prevention is key to minimizing wrinkles. The most important thing is to take care of your skin before all these changes start to take place. Sun protection against both UVA and UVB rays is critical 365 days a year.”
Modern ladies and men use different kinds of branded skin care creams and lotions. This also gives a smart look. But these have to be used every day. However, it has been researched that these products can cause serious reaction in some cases. Moreover it is not a permanent solution. There is no doubt one has to reach an age and a time when no treatment would work.  No one can escape the ultimate aging. At that time it would be best to remain contented and not worry about ones looks.