Corruption crossed all limits during present regime: Veeri

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 22: Deputy Legislature Party leader of People’s Democratic Party, Abdul Rehman Veeri today said that corruption has crossed all the limits during the regime of present Coalition Government in Jammu and Kashmir.
Participating in the discussion on the grants of the departments under the charge of Chief Minister in the Legislative Assembly, Mr Veeri said, “corruption has crossed all the limits in the system and now J&K has become number one corrupt State in the country”, adding “instead of taking steps to check this menace the National Conference-led Coalition Government has allowed the corruption to creep deep into the system”.
“Notwithstanding the fact that justice cannot be provided to the people unless corruption is nipped from the bud, the present Government tried to weaken all the anti-graft bodies by one way or the other and situation has now assumed alarming proportion”.
Stating that democratic institutions have completely been ignored by the Government, Mr Veeri questioned the Government for inordinate delay in holding elections to the Municipal Bodies and Block Development Councils. “What to talk of establishing these institutions, the present regime even failed to honour the decisions taken in the District Development Board meetings”, he remarked.
He also accused the Government of derailing the peace process initiated during the PDP regime and not taking adequate steps to boost cross-LoC trade. “Chief Minister had a number of times assured to get Armed Forces Special Power Act removed from the areas where it is not needed but nothing has happened till date”, he alleged.
CPI(M) MLA, M Y Tarigami criticized the State and the Central Governments for taking the State legislature for granted and ignoring even its unanimous resolutions, sending dangerous signals across the state.
In this connection, Tarigami referred to the resolution of the State Assembly regarding autonomy and the unanimous resolution for investigation into a retired Army General’s serious allegations/revelations. “By not taking the State’s democratic institutions seriously, the Centre has virtually undermined the will of the people”, he said.
Mr Tarigami said, while he is personally committed that AFSPA and Disturbed Areas Act should be withdrawn at the earliest, the Government could start with withdrawing AFSPA gradually or remove its harsh provisions.  He asked the Chief Minister that in his capacity  as the Chairman of the Unified Command, he could withdraw the Disturbed Areas Act and pave the way for the final withdrawal of the AFSPA.  He wanted to know whether the State Cabinet has submitted a written proposal to the Centre, urging it to withdraw the AFSPA.
“The Rehabilitation Policy of the youth, who crossed the LoC, is so complex that it has not yielded any tangible results”, Tarigami alleged and said that the youth who return without arms should be allowed to cross over to this side from any suitable point on the LoC and should be encouraged to lead a normal life.  Released militants should be rehabilitated and on demand they should be issued passports and treated at par with other citizens.
Tarigami also demanded extension of all the facilities to Kashmiri migrants under the Prime Minister’s Rehabilitation Package so that they can return to their homes and live a dignified life.
National Panthers Party MLA, Harshdev Singh asked the Government to have introspection and review to ascertain whether it has taken any remarkable step for the welfare of the people during the past five years.
“Only lofty slogans about transparency, work culture and good governance were given and the ground situation is contrary to the same”, he said, adding “overall performance of the Government is contrary to the slogans and announcements”.
Pointing towards constitution of Finance Commission, Mr Singh said that the recommendations of the Commission, which should have been the basis for plan allocations, have been gathering dust in the official files. “Similar is the fate of recommendations of the Working Groups, interlocutors, round table conference and Special Task Force”, he added.
Referring to the recommendations regarding creation of new administrative units, the NPP MLA said, “despite recommendations from four committees the aspirations of the people remain unfulfilled”, adding “the seriousness of the Government about new administrative units can be gauged from the fact that not even a single penny has been earmarked in the budget for creation of new administrative units”.
National Conference MLA, Kafaeel-ur-Rehman questioned the hue and cry of the PDP over the revocation of AFSPA and asked, “why your Chief Minister remained mum over the issue when he had all the opportunity to prevail upon the Centre over the issue”, adding “it was only after losing the power that PDP patron wrote a letter to the Centre about revocation of AFSPA and this speaks about double standard of the party”.
While lauding the Omar Abdullah-led Government, he said, “what the people of Jammu and Kashmir achieved during the present Government’s tenure was not even dreamt of”, adding “it is only during NC-led regime that power sector received required focus and process of strengthening democratic institutions begin”.
BJP MLA, Ashok Khajuria, while lashing out at Government, questioned the policy for return and rehabilitation of youth who had crossed over the borders for arms training. He alleged that corruption has crossed all its limits during the tenure of NC-Congress Coalition Government. “While corrupt officers are enjoying prime positions the honest officers are being discriminated with and humiliated”, he alleged.
Jammu State Morcha MLA, Ashwani Sharma favoured continuance of AFSPA keeping in view the prevailing situation. He, however, said that there was no problem in rehabilitation of those youth who were not involved in shedding blood of innocent people. He demanded rehabilitation policy for the refugees and special recruitment drive for the border people.
Mustafa Kamal, in his address, said that Article 370 was a part of Constitution and basis of Maharaja Hari Singh’s agreement of accession with the Indian Union. He stressed that everyone irrespective of political affiliation and regional considerations, should have to work unitedly for restoration of peace in J&K. “Jammu people have to protect those from Kashmir and vice-versa,” he said.
Referring to the killing of 120 civilians during 2010 unrest in Srinagar Dr Kamal wanted PDP MLA Basharat Bukhari to ask his uncle Ashiq Hussain Bukhari, the then SSP Srinagar as to who had killed the civilians.
Rafi Mir of PDP also stressed the need of working collectively for peace in Jammu and Kashmir besides highlighting some issues of MLAs.
Nasir Aslam Wani highlighted the achievements of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and his Government adding that some important issues like hike in SPOs’ honorarium were under active consideration.  Terming  Article 370 as a bridge between Jammu Kashmir and rest of the country, he said that even think of scraping the provision was not acceptable.
Prof Chaman Lal Gupta stressed for delimitation of the Assembly constituencies on the basis of latest census. He also drew attention towards wasteful expenditure of public money and demanded a check on fleets of vehicles given to the VVIPs as well as more number of ministers in J&K.
BJP’s Jugal Kishore highlighted the plights of refugees and stressed the need for their permanent settlement. He also pitched for a discussion on advantages and disadvantages of  Article 370.
Er Rasheed urged the Chief Minister to get a resolution passed by the House for bringing mortal remains of Afzal Guru to the State.
Basharat Bukhari  grilled the Government for its failure on every front, particularly with regard to resolution of Kashmir issue.
Surjeet Singh Slathia, T Namgyal, Hakeem Yaseen, Peerzada Mansoor, Ashok Kumar, Krishan Chander Bhagat, Charanjeet Singh, Indu Pawar, Durga Dass, Balwant Singh Mankotia, Yashpal Kundal and Javed Mustafa Mir also participated in the discussion.