Indian Secularism-Myth and Reality

Dr Narinder Singh
Secularism is a creed which emphasizes the need to divorce politics from religion. It endeavors to create a social order which makes no distinction among the citizens on the basis of religion and belief. This is a universal definition of Secularism. But sadly, this definition of secularism does not apply to India. Here this definition is grossly misused. In India worst type of communalists belonging to different political parties take pride in calling themselves as Secular. Known corrupt politicians boast of being champions of secularism. The word secularism has become, a convenient tool for hiding all sins. It will not be wrong to call Indian Secularism, ‘a cap which has lost its shape because it is worn by every Tom, Dick and Harry.’
The two Nations theory was propounded by Mohd. Ali Jinah and poet Dr. Iqbal. The theory became the basis of partition of the Indian Sub-Continent. It became a reality only when Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National Congress agreed to it. The result was the creation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. One may not agree but the truth is that rest of India became a Hindu Rashtra by implication at that very moment. Application of the two nations theory to one part of the undivided India was unrealistic. Two yardsticks cannot be applied for the application of one doctrine in deciding the future of a country. But the congress party leadership, that came to power, had its own way of thinking.
Although Islamic Republic of Pakistan was created for the Muslims of India but not all the people of the community were fortunate enough to become the citizens of the promised land. Millions of members of that faith were forced by the circumstances to stay back in a multi- religious and multicultural Society. There was concentration of Muslims in States like U.P, Bihar, Assam and Bengal. After the partition, these people reconciled to a future in independent India. But they were not able to progress in the manner in which other religious groups were progressing. There was a reason for that situation. The new dispensation which came to power decided to run the government in accordance with their whims and fancies.
The members of the constituent Assembly did not mention Secularism as a guiding principle in the future governance of the country. Taking advantage of this lack of direction the congress party leadership decided to run the country in accordance with their version of secularism without constitutional sanction. It was only in 1976 that word secularism was inserted in the preamble through 42nd amendment. The congress party applied secularism for a purpose. Large Muslim population was a source of special attraction. This party started using Secularism as a tool to improve its chances in the future elections. It realized that the principle minority with its huge vote bank was crucial for enjoying longer spells of political power. Instead of running the country in the true spirit of secularism, the congress party started the policy of appeasement. Rather than improving the lot of the Muslim, the so called secular governments started giving freebies. Free trip to Saudi Arabia for Haj was part of the same game plan. It is worthwhile to mention here that other minorities in India were not given any such freebies because they had less votes.
Use of vote bank politics in the garb of so-called secularism proved counterproductive in the long run. With the passage of time the majority community was able to see through the game plan. This gave birth to real or imaginary fears in minds of the community. This paved the way for Hindu Revivalism. This phenomenon was later on encashed by the Bhartiya Janta party. This party won general elections in 2014 and 2019 by capitalizing on the anger of the majority community.
Secularism is a very good philosophy provided it is applied in its true spirit. Misusing it for garnering votes in elections is certainly immoral. In treating all communities with same principles lies the crux of the matter. So called secular parties like congress and Samajwadi party are squarely to be blamed for spoiling the social and political fabric of India. Phenomenal rise of Bhartiya Janta party is the result of misinterpretation and misapplication of the word secularism.
(The author is a retired Professor of Political Science)