Relief Commissioner honours displaced women entrepreneurs

Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner, Dr Arvind Karwani with displaced Women Entrepreneurs during a function at Jammu on Friday.
Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner, Dr Arvind Karwani with displaced Women Entrepreneurs during a function at Jammu on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 29: Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner, Dr Arvind Karwani today inaugurated Mata Bhadrakali Institute of Handicraft and Handloom run by Kiran Pandita the founder and presented Entrepreneur Award to her on the occasion.
The programme was organised by Pir Panchal a socio cultural organisation at Radio Sharda Complex here in which 25 women entrepreneurs of displaced KP community were honoured. Dr Karwani was chief guest on the occasion while Avtar Krishan Naz president Nagrad Association and Avtar Jotshi were the guests of honour. Ramesh Hangloo president, Pir Panchal (CESES), presided over the function.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Karwani said Pir Panchal is doing good efforts to render helping hand to the community women for their upliftment besides making Radio Sharda internationally, nationally and in Jammu a voice for protection of language and culture. He said “We should add one more word of reconstruction to our Department of Relief and Rehabilitation, as our focus is to make the younger generation service providers not seekers’’.
He assured all the youngsters including male and females to register their participation in different schemes of Government and seek soft loans from the banks for establishing small businesses. He also asked the audience to participate in elections as the procedure has been laid in process .He said Department will approach the displaced people through Radio Sharda and other means for understanding the process of Voting and participation.
Seaking on the occasion, Ramesh Hangloo the Founder Director Radio Sharda and president Pir Panchal said it is a good sign that women folk of the community are coming forward to become self reliant instead of being confined to four walls of house. He said after the displacement ladies have proved their talent besides caring for their families. He elaborated in detail the help Pir Panchal has been doing for the uplift of women within the community and in the Pir Panchal region of JK UT .
Ashok Dhar gave the vote of thanks and the stage was managed by Kusum Tickoo well known artist. Vijay Koul , K K Koul and Adarsh Anand the office bearers of Organisation were also present.