Nagar-Kirtan taken out in Poonch

Sikh community members taking out Nagar-Kirtan at Poonch on Thursday. -Excelsior/Waseem
Sikh community members taking out Nagar-Kirtan at Poonch on Thursday. -Excelsior/Waseem

Excelsior Correspondent
POONCH, Apr 11: Shree Ramdas Society and District Gurdwara Prabandhak Committe today took out Nagar- Kirtan on the occasion of 325th Foundation day of Khalsa Panth in Poonch.
The Nagar- Kirtan was taken out from the local Gurdwara and concluded at Dera Nangali Sahib after covering 6 Km distance on-foot. A vehicle was decorated as Rath and Panj Piyaras of the great Guru were leading the chariot and Nagar Kirtan. The Sangat was reciting Bhajan Kirtan during the Shobha Yatra.

The 325th Foundation day of Khalsa Panth will be celebrated on Baisakhi in which thousands of people including women, youth and elderly persons will be participating.
Pertinent to mention that Dera Nangali Sahib is the religious place of Sikh community. On the eve of Baisakhi Mela, people from several states of North India and various parts of J&K visit the Dera.