Kashmiri Khatri Maha Sabha, KP bodies term abolishing of M Form a big relief

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 12: Kashmiri Khatri Hindu Maha Sabha, chairman /president, Ramesh Chander Mahajan and its members termed the abolishing of M Form as a historical decision providing big relief to migrant voters to cast their vote at their respective places, just like other people vote in elections.
“We all express our gratitude to PM, Narendra Modi , Home Minister, Amit Shah and Rajiv Kumar Chief Election Commissioner and P.K.Pole CEO J&K and their entire team for this recognition. Today the GoI has officially ended the M-Form filling system , allowing Kashmiri migrants / seven lakh Kashmiri Hindus to cast their vote in elections by setting up a large number of physical voting system to cast their franchise through (EVM) at respective places to ensure 100% participation in all upcoming elections.
Ramesh Mahajan said this decision fulfilled the pending demands for which community has struggled for several years. Ultimately, struggle succeeded in achieving the prestigious goal by Kashmiri migrants , thanks to all who fought for this genuine cause by marking today an important golden day in the history of Jammu and Kashmir and India as, the Government has provided justice to internally displaced people, he said .
Meanwhile, senior KP leader, M K Yogi, BJP leader and social activist, Ashok Kangan, socio -political activist Vinod Pandita, ex Sarpanch Nana Ji Raina and socio political activist Vishal Jyotshi have also termed it a good decision. They said under the new system the Kashmiri migrants can exercise their franchise without any difficulty and it will ensure increase in polling percentage.
They complimented the Government as well as ECI and CEO J&K for this timely decision. They said though community had put this demand before successive Government right from 1990 but to no avail. However the present Government after discussing its pros and cons took a wise decision which will ensure hassle free voting by migrants.