


Floating on the web of darkness
The dew seeks a place to rest and meditate
It grows in its body and prays to the gravity
And finally falls with jubilation
When the dew breaks the bondage
The sun spreads its glittering fingers
We have come closer and closer
To examine the health of our mind and images of illusions
We have come some steps further to greet and feel
The grace of the dew and song of the water
Can’t be forgotten for the present
Because it has crust and crescent
Like a waxing and waning moon
For its dispersion we oftentimes bemoan
B L Malmohi

Make world a happy ground

Keep me clean and green,
Don’t throw litter on me.
I want to breathe fresh air,
But you don’t let me come out of fear!
I am providing you water, energy, seeds
Who else will fulfill all your needs?
Don’t cut the trees around.
If you want to make a fertile ground.
Let’s come and join hands together.
To make this world a better place forever.
Let me tell you some secret tips!
Which will bring smile on your lips.
Select organic and conserve resources
Control pollution and promote sources.
These small things will make a huge difference.
When you will fight in my defence.
As drop by drop fills an empty pot,
I will also restore my power a lot.
Please start keeping deforestation at bay
If you don’t want to see the worst day
I will help you as much as I can,
but you just need to make plastics ban.
“Be the change you want to see around,
To make this world a happy ground.”
Garima Sharma




Cast away the caste ego to harmonize the society,
To narrow down all the fissures to energize the society.
The concept of caste and creed makes the society to bleed,
Much more have we lost, Let none now pulverize society.
Not by birth but by deeds should one be rated high or low,
Let us adhere to this golden rule to silverize our society.
Everyone is His creation, be he from caste, ‘A’ or ‘B’,
A&B are our own creations, He wants a unified society.
Caste-based hatred has given us heaps of harm every where,
Let all of us be of one human caste, to humanize the society.
Caste fanatics want division under the frenzy of caste vision,
Let us adopt a broad vision and not stigmatize our society.
Bright or Dark, short or Tall, weak or strong is everywhere.
Then why not be we all together to rationalize our society.
JR Aryan makes an appeal to one & all of Indian soil,
Let us remove all caste-based seeds to make our land fertile,
Let all of us be like brethren as if from one family and caste,
Only then shall we be proud of to have stream-lined our society.
Let our society be neat & clean with praise from all directions,
Only then shall we be free to eulogize our society.
As & when we do away with the slur of our caste-ego;
Only then should we feel to have dignified our society. J R Aryan