KPs protest, decry role of coalition, BJP on Shrines Bill

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 5: The Kashmiri Pandits today expressed their serious concern over the role of Coalition Government and some Opposition parties on Shrines and Temples Bill and termed it a total betrayal by the Government which has failed to keep its oft repeated promise in this regard.
Migrant Wing of PDP held a demonstration at Muthi today in which the role of the Coalition on the Bill was decried. The protest was organized by S K Raina secretary PDP Trade Union Wing and the protestors warned to launch agitation for the passage of Bill. Durga Nath Bhat, M K Bhat, Anju Bhan, Deepak, Sunil Bhat, Nana Ji Watal, Vinod Ji and others participated in the protest.
APMCC, while expressing its serious concern over the role played by the coalition Government as well as those parties which sabotaged the passage of the Bill said APMCC will accelerate its struggle regarding the passage of the Bill.
In his statement, APMCC chief Vinod Pandit said it was unfortunate that without understanding the issue  BJP Legislators opposed the Bill vociferously by siding with those who were opposed to formation of Shrine Board.
Accusing the politicians of dividing people on the name of region and religion Pandit said APMCC will launch massive protest.
Kashmir Hindu Conference (KHC) which met here today under the chairmanship of M L Thusoo also expressed its anguish over the role of major political parties on the Bill.
KHC convener, P L Koul Badgami said that the community’s sentiments were hurt over the anti role played by BJP which was against the expectations of Kashmiri Pandits and the Party has proved that its claim of being a Party with difference are totally hollow.
Kashmir Samiti Delhi (KSD) president Rakesh Kaul has also expressed his concern over the role played by political parties on the Bill. He said BJP needs to clarify its role as the party played double standards on the Bill.
KPC president Kundan Kashmiri also criticized the Government for playing with the sentiments of the community. He said the role of the BJP was also dismal and except PDP and CPI (M), PDF and one independent all parties opposed the Bill which was cause of concern.
Former president KP Sabha and a well known scholar Prof SA N Sadhu has also expressed his dismay over the role of political parties on the Bill saying this shows the Government’s apathy towards the hapless community.
D N Kissu of All Displaced KP Forum has also expressed his anguish over the role of political parties on the Bill.
Apex Committee member Shiban Ji Pandita also decried the role of coalition over the Bill and said that they have been exposed before the community.
Meanwhile BJP Legislative Party leader Ashok Khajuria said that his Party is not opposed to Bill or Kashmiri Pandits but it wanted certain amendments in it.