Behavior of BJP MLAs shocks Hindus of Kashmir

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 6: Hindus of Kashmir have expressed shock and disappointment over the unwarranted behavior and language used by the MLAs of BJP during the discussion on the Shrines Bill recently.
Participating in a meeting held under the aegis of Pt. Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust here today, the speakers condemned the actual words and body language of BJP legislators Ashok Khajuria and  Jugal Kishore, besides Jagdish Raj Sapolia, MLA Basholi used during the discussions on the Bill.
Representatives of different Shrines, Kashmiri Hindu Organizations, Welfare Committees, intellectuals and leaders of the community expressed shock and dismay at the repugnant words used by the BJP legislators. Swami Kumarji, Dr P N Trichal, Dr R L Bhat, Dr A N Pandita, Dr R K Bhat,  H N Jato, V K Kashkari, D N Kisu, Virinder Raina, H L Bhat, M K Raina, A K Raina, B L Bhat, S L Koul, Shiban Khaibari, Virji Saraf, M L Malla, M K Bambro, M K Wanto, Sundri Lal, Shibanji Saraf, Umeshji, P L Raina, P L Sudeshi, G L Koul, M L Bhat, J L Raina, Anil Pandita, Koul, R K Tiko, among others spoke at the meeting at length and  expressed their anguish and concern over the  language used by these legislators and urged the BJP High Command to clarify the Party’s stand on Hindu minority of Kashmir when it has been claming to be the custodian of nationalist people in the country.
The meeting was, conducted by H L Bhat. It took stock of the situation arising out of Shrine Bill not getting passed in this session of Legislature which was sent to the Joint Select Committee. The Bill seeking to put the Hindu shrines of Kashmir under collective management of a democratically elected Shrine Board was opposed by the by the alliance as well as, some opposition parties of Jammu who joined hands to protect the private possession and interests of some individuals in a few temples in Kashmir Valley.
PNBMT spokesperson Dr R L Bhat made it clear that Trust supports the Bill because it says that all Hindus of Kashmir are equal partners in the temple heritage of Kashmir. It does not allow any person whether he is a Pandit or non-Pandit to keep the temples in private control. PNBM Trust had contacted the legislators of all parties from Jammu and explained the need and the provisions of the Bill, in separate meetings. The words and intents of the Bill were discussed with them. They had all agreed that all the Hindus of Kashmir should be treated equally.
The speakers also demanded a probe through sitting Supreme Court Judge into the sale of religious properties in the Valley by some individuals and trusts.