This election is about speaking up against injustice: Mufti

‘Our goal can be achieved by casting vote’

Fayaz Bukhari
People’s Democratic Party (PDP) president Mehbooba Mufti today said that the ongoing Parliamentary elections in Jammu and Kashmir are about speaking up against injustice and not for seeking basic amenities.

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In an exclusive interview to Excelsior during her election campaign in Anantnag-Rajouri Constituency, Mufti said that the ongoing Parliamentary election is crucial for the people of J&K to express themselves. “The anger that the people of J&K have been holding inside, regarding the unconstitutional and illegal revocation of Article 370, needs an outlet for expression. Therefore, I believe these elections are crucial for enabling people to express themselves,” she added.
The PDP president said that through this election people have to express their resentment against the Government of India’s decision that was made in August 2019.
“These elections are not for the issues like electricity and water rather what transpired in the Parliament in 2019 wherein a brute majority was used to bulldoze the Constitution of this country. So, against that decision the people of J&K are trying to tell that the decision was unacceptable to them and these elections are primarily for that,” she said.
Mufti said that by this election people are not aiming to form the Government but to elect Members of Parliament.
“Let me be clear, the current elections are not about electricity, roads, or water issues. We are not aiming to form a Government; rather, we are electing Members of Parliament. It is imperative for J&K that those who represent us in Parliament stand up and articulate the injustices inflicted upon us. First, they rendered us powerless and split erstwhile J&K, separating us from Ladakh. Subsequently, new directives have been continuously imposed, further disempowering our people,” she said.
The PDP president said that it is the right time for the people of Kashmir to give vent to their anger by casting vote for the candidate who raises their voice in the Parliament.
“You witnessed the situation in Ladakh, where initially people were content with the abrogation of Article 370. Just observe the plight of the Dogras in Jammu. The people of Kashmir are silenced, as the Valley has been turned into a prison, and those who dare to speak up are thrown into jail. This reality needs to be brought to light in Parliament, contrary to the narrative the BJP propagates, suggesting everything is well because tourists are taking selfies in gardens. People should be aware of the discontent among the people of J&K and the immense hardships they endure. Now is the time for Kashmiris to voice their anger,” she said.
Mufti said that carving out of Anantnag-Rajouri constituency was aimed at disempowering people living on both the sides of Pir Panjal.
When asked, if she is part of INDIA bloc even after contesting against their candidates in Kashmir, Muti said that she is committed to INDIA bloc against its opponents. “The BJP’s actions, particularly regarding the abrogation of Article 370 and the situation in J&K, have deeply concerned me. Rahul Gandhi’s efforts to preserve unity are commendable, and I offer my unconditional support to the INDIA bloc,” she said.
“The few jobs created are marred by discrepancies, leaving our youth unemployed. Despite supplying electricity nationwide, we lack power ourselves, with tariffs skyrocketing. It is important that people unite against these injustices and exercise their vote. Stone pelting and guns yield nothing; our goals can only be achieved through the ballot box. It is because of the vote that helped us to repeal POTA, initiate dialogue with Pakistan, and create jobs,” she added.
When asked why she is seeking votes from NC, Congress workers, Mufti said that when she engages with Congress and NC workers, they acknowledge her as the sole voice for Jammu and Kashmir.
“I urge them to support me in the polls. This election calls for transcending caste, faction, or party affiliations and electing a representative who will speak for all. We are all gripped by hardships irrespective of party we represent and only by voting collectively can we represent ourselves proudly in Parliament,” she added.
The PDP president said she has no expectations from the BJP if it again forms Government at the Centre.
“We joined hands with the BJP because of the policies of Vajpayee. We didn’t only join hands but also tied their hands and by this we did not allow them to touch Article 370 for 3 years. I withdrew the FIRs of 12,000 youth, worked out a ceasefire, and brought an all-India delegation to the doors of Hurriyat leaders. So, I have no expectations from the BJP now,” she added.