Distribution of wealth or poverty?

Shiban Khaibri
At the outset, during the current election season in the country which is ”celebrated” as festival of democracy and as a corollary , the sustained move to entice voters in their favour , political parties, as we know , necessarily come out with a list of promises, policies , distribution of concessions, subsidies and now selling like hot cakes – the freebies – and issuing verbal guarantees even to the people . It all comes in a meticulously thought of and planned but usually hurriedly written document known as ”Election Manifesto”. What is the fun in issuing one amidst great fanfare, hype and exultation if it does not contain a proper review and revision of the last one issued similarly on previous elections , by making new additions and incorporating elements of something very much noticeable and thus in great appeal to the prospective voter. However, the drafting committee or the think tank of a particular political party invest in the stakes such ideas and promises which later are found to be practically impossible to implement. There needs to be no vouching to back this finding with some concrete instances as we all know wherever such promises were made, were hardly kept. The reason being the element of elusiveness in respect of the resources which by nature , other things remaining the same, are always limited if not scarce. This limitation being well known to such promises makers , however, knowingly gamble it out reminiscent of promising apples but giving just peanuts and later responding to moments of reckoning by indulging in blame games. That is generally what Indian politics is largely getting reduced to, especially unfortunately at the hands of most of the opposition parties. Needless to add, what an irony, as all this is being done, as preached openly and even caused to be conveyed from jails , only for service (Sewa) of the people.
However, we have also seen that some of pragmatic reforms and development oriented programmes mentioned in such documents by one political party are opposed tooth and nail when such policies, wholly or partially, are sought to be implemented by another political party, simply because the ”brainchild” Party which carried it in its manifesto, was out of and denied power by the people due to host of reasons. The rationale of claiming credit coupled with criticising just for the sake of criticism, sowing seeds of suspicion and ambiguity in the people just for claiming brownie points in electoral politics like phenomenon, takes off thus setting in chain non-seriousness of purpose and revealing real intentions behind such criticism. The three Farm Laws, providing of citizenship rights to those members of the persecuted religious minorities from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh who choose to seek refuge in this country , Triple Talaq , fight against corruption and nepotism like issues prove the point . The list, however, is too long to be enumerated.
On the other hand, it can be agreed in principle that there are various issues which we, as citizens and ordinary human beings, are very much immediately connected with , but are completely missing uniformly in almost all manifestos issued by Political Parties giving it any name – “Nyaie Patra” , “Sankalp Patra”, Janta Ka Mangpatra,” “TMC Manifesto” etc. For example , how many political parties have promised a fight on war footing against the menace of adulteration , against using of chemicals and harmful substances in various eatables, against sub-standard and spurious drugs and medicines etc.? Any concern about even updating on yearly basis of the data available on the ever expanding extent and the magnitude of adulteration and shared with the public and the number of consumers becoming victims of such a horrifying menace, on a regular basis, especially the children. Absolutely nothing. Any mention of or concern shown in such manifestos , for example, as to how fruit items are ripened, fattened, injected with colours and harmful sweeteners and how to contain it . How in most of the states in the country, otherwise known for producing good amount of dairy products – adulterated milk products , cheese, ghee etc are sold freely is fairly known . As per a survey , more than 70 percent milk is adulterated in the country or to put it in simple words, ”adulterated milk is what Indians are drinking”. For increasing thickness and viscosity in milk , adulterants like urea, starch, glucose, formalin and detergent are lavishly used. Health and health related matters, especially on account of consuming adulterated stuff are , perhaps , no one’s concern .
It is quite interesting, if not wholly bewildering that none of the manifestos makes a mention of how illegally entered Rohingya and Bangladeshi immigrants posing serious threat to the demographic equations in the country can be identified and deportation process initiated. There is no mention of which type of legislation be brought to control the rising population and how incentives be provided for a two child norm and how more than that limit discouraged by introducing various disincentive measures. The issue of fast increasing population is even not remotely touched ostensibly for no concern for tremendous strain on the country’s limited resources but nurturing vote banks is prioritised. No mention is there in concrete terms as to how more groups presently living in poverty could be lifted out like it was done between 2015-16 and 2019-22 as 135 millions were lifted out of multidimensional poverty . The present government claims more than 25 crore of people from such groups having been brought out from poverty. No mention is in any of the manifestos about how examination question paper leaks could be totally stopped and how using unfair means in examinations could be made punishable with more deterring provisions. Again, how recruitment scams in government offices /departments could be vigorously not only discouraged but pre-empted , no concrete plans are drawn in election manifestos.
One of such manifestos – “Didir shopoth” is promising repealing of the CAA, not implementing the UCC if passed by the Parliament, discontinuing NRC , shedding inner most tears over “undermining” of federalism and pluralism “over the past ten years” but undertakes no measures to stop with iron hands any more Sandeshkhali(s), it makes no mention about taking of such measures which could not allow repeating of recruitment of teachers scam where the fate of thousands of such recruited is questioned by the High Court . It makes no mention of how festivals, especially Hindu festivals like Ram Navmi procession and the like can be “allowed” a hassles free and peaceful celebration . When CAA, UCC and even NRC like most sensitive and fundamental issues are openly promised to be nixed , how country’s internal security , demographic balance and equilibrium, social harmony , cultural heritage and fast economic development could be protected ? When “one Nation, one Election” proposal for which spade work is going on , is promised to be opposed, how urgently needed reforms , saving precious resources , conserving time and human resources resulting in quick economic development can be ensured? Why should state Governors be appointed only after consulting state legislatures preceded with amending Article 115, is not elaborated in the manifesto. There is no mention about how to prevent attacks and physical assaults on the vehicles and personnel of the investigating agencies while discharging their duties . Such promises, it is feared, are taking care of only vote bank politics and their appeasement .
Another manifesto “Janta Ka Mangpatra” is eager on caste census which is fraught with adverse consequences as the exercise is bound to divide the society which could only benefit electorally such parties who by employing any means, even caste and sub-caste divisions , want to grab power. Its promise NOW to ensuring making of a “Samajwadi Samaj” is silent about dawning of this idea after so many years of enjoying absolute power in the state and admittedly doing nothing in the matter.
Another manifesto “Nyaie Patra” is festooned with ideas laced with utopianism of its own kind . It contains the proverbial “promising the moon” and intends to construct a bridge over a puddle but whether puddle was in itself a problem deserving to be solved first or going in for constructing a bridge direct, is sought to be resolved through what is explained as “X-Raying of the country” followed by solutions to other problems in “Thaka thak thaka thak” mode. A leading member of its think tank from a foreign country jumps in the process of taking the crux of the “Nyaie Patra” to elite realms by revealing all about his ”Inheritance Tax ” ideology where after the death of the owner of an immovable and movable property , the legal heirs would get only 45% thereof , the rest going to the government coffers. Why did the overseas think tanker of the Party come out with such a “pragmatic and revolutionary” advice just immediately after the release of the manifesto and when census of all castes and who possesses how much and who how much less in this country like proposed policies are seen as an entry door to Delhi throne, is conspicuous of its timing.
Not going into details , why should not the proverbial “Charity begins at home ” operate and therefore, why leaders of all political Parties should not declare on affidavit how much they possessed , the market value thereof and how (source of ) such assets / wealth was created. Thereafter, how much on voluntary basis, they would like to part with such properties and other assets so that social justice and lesser economic inequalities could really start taking place. Since for such a possibility , it is again the same law makers who have to make laws to that effect, it is left to no amount of imagination about its likely outcome . When most of our very well off political leaders would not let it happen, experimenting it on general public would result in (Re) distribution of no wealth but only poverty , confusion, chaos , dubiety and uncertainty . Doses of freebies added to such a confusion will result in disincentives and no motivation to work hard resulting in the entire exercise getting muddled up. So, do not take a step only to retract by two or more steps.