Baba Chamliyal Mela

This year, Baba Chamliyal annual mela held at International Border in Ramgarh was subdued and without the lustre it usually carries. The reason is that cordial atmosphere has been vitiated by Pakistani troops’ unprovoked firing in Krishna Ghati sector of Poonch. Usual exchange of gifts of flowers and sweets was rejected by the sides and nothing more than a chadar meaning wreath was placed on the shrine. It was all symbolic without the goodwill instinct attached to the celebration. Normally this annual event generates fair amount of goodwill among the people on both sides of international border. That, however, was not to be seen. It is very unfortunate that Pakistan does not realize that indulging in unprovoked firing on the border takes the two countries a step backward while they are essaying to harmonize their relations. Observing the anniversary of saints and savants who are venerated by people of all faiths is a great source of inspiration for the humanity to live in perpetual peace and harmony. Such icons of peace deserve to be shown great respect. Let good sense prevail in Pakistan that despite some differences, we share lot more as common heritage.