Express Entry Processing Time: How Long Does It Take to Get PR in Canada?

Express Entry Processing Time: How Long Does It Take to Get PR in Canada?
Express Entry Processing Time: How Long Does It Take to Get PR in Canada?

Canada is a popular destination for immigrants seeking better opportunities, quality of life, and a safe environment. One of the most sought-after pathways to obtain a Permanent Residency (PR) in Canada is through the Express Entry system. If you’re wondering how long it takes to get PR in Canada through Express Entry, this post will break down the process for you.

What is Express Entry?

Express Entry is an online system used by the Canadian government to manage applications for permanent residence from skilled workers. It covers three main immigration programs:

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)
  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

Each program has specific criteria, but they all aim to attract skilled workers to Canada to contribute to the economy.

How Does the Express Entry System Work?

The Express Entry system involves several steps:

  1. Creating an Online Profile: Prospective immigrants need to create an online profile and provide information about their skills, work experience, language ability, education, and other details. This profile is then entered into a pool of candidates.
  2. Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS): Candidates are ranked based on the Comprehensive Ranking System, which assigns points for various factors such as age, education, work experience, and language skills. The highest-ranking candidates are invited to apply for PR.
  3. Invitation to Apply (ITA): The Canadian government conducts regular draws from the Express Entry pool, inviting the top candidates to apply for PR.
  4. Submitting the PR Application: Once invited, candidates have 60 days to submit a complete application for permanent residence, including all required documents.
  5. Application Processing: After submission, the application is reviewed by immigration officers. This includes verifying documents, conducting background checks, and ensuring all criteria are met.

Processing Time for Express Entry PR in Canada

The processing time for obtaining PR through the Express Entry system can vary based on several factors. Here’s a detailed look at each stage and the time it typically takes:

1. Profile Creation and Entry into the Pool

Creating and submitting your online profile is the first step, and it’s relatively quick. This can take a few hours to a few days, depending on how quickly you can gather and input your information.

2. Waiting for an ITA

Once your profile is in the pool, the waiting time for an ITA depends on your CRS score. The Canadian government conducts Express Entry draws approximately every two weeks. Candidates with higher scores have better chances of receiving an ITA quickly. For those with lower scores, it may take longer, or they might need to improve their profile to get a better score.

3. Submitting the PR Application

After receiving an ITA, you have 60 days to submit your complete PR application. It’s crucial to gather all necessary documents, such as police certificates, medical exams, proof of funds, and others, within this timeframe.

4. Processing Time by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

Once your complete application is submitted, the IRCC aims to process most Express Entry applications within six months. This timeline starts from the date they receive your complete application. However, the actual processing time can vary depending on:

  • Completeness and accuracy: Applications with missing or incorrect information can face delays.
  • Background checks: Thorough background and security checks can extend processing times.
  • Medical exams: Any issues found during medical exams may require further investigation.
  • Volume of applications: High volumes can slow down processing times.

5. Approval and PR Confirmation

If your application is approved, you will receive a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR). You’ll need to complete a landing process, either at a Canadian port of entry or an immigration office within Canada, to officially become a Permanent Resident.

How Visa Consultants in Bangalore Can Help

The process of Express Entry can be complex and time-consuming. This is where visa consultants in Bangalore can provide valuable assistance. Here’s how they can help:

  • Profile Assessment: Consultants can evaluate your profile against the Express Entry criteria to determine your eligibility and suggest ways to improve your CRS score.
  • Documentation Guidance: They provide detailed guidance on the documents required for each stage, ensuring you gather everything you need efficiently.
  • Application Assistance: Consultants can help you complete and submit your online profile, PR application, and any additional forms accurately.
  • Preparation for ITA: They help you prepare for receiving an ITA, ensuring you’re ready to submit your PR application within the 60-day window.
  • Follow-Up and Updates: Visa consultants keep track of your application status, provide updates, and follow up with IRCC if necessary, reducing your stress and uncertainty.

Obtaining PR in Canada through the Express Entry system is a structured and efficient process, but it requires careful planning and attention to detail. The time it takes can vary based on several factors, but most applications are processed within six months after submission. By understanding the steps involved and potentially seeking help from visa consultants in Bangalore, you can manage the process more smoothly and increase your chances of success.


Canada continues to welcome skilled immigrants from around the world, and the Express Entry system is an excellent pathway to start your new life in this vibrant country. With proper preparation and a clear understanding of the process, you can achieve your goal of becoming a Permanent Resident of Canada.