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Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE before you send in your message to us.

1. To all from Damini Bhagat: “There is no excuse for not trying , rather just Accept it or quit”.
2. From Sanjana to all: “Do not pray for an easy life ,pray for the strength to endure a difficult one”
3. To all from Anju Gupta: “Work for a cause not for applause. Live life to express not to Impress”.
4. From Nidhi Gupta to all: “Life is only as good as your mindset”.
5. To all from Abhishek Vaid: ” Don’t see others doing better than you. Beat your own records every day because success is a fight between you and yourself”.
6. From Mayra Vaid to all: ” If you are walking in the right path, success is guaranteed even if you are running fast or walking slowly…. To start is enough itself”.
7. To all from Laksh Gupta: ” Your direction is more important than your speed. A lot of people are going nowhere fast”.
8. From Adhaanya Barna to all: “Avoid posting your personal problems on social media. Your personal problems require personal solution, not social attention”.
9. To all from Namish Mengi: “Always think you are strongest don’t think you are weak. If you will think you are weak you will not succeed in your life and mind”.
10. From Namish Mengi: “Always think you are strongest don’t think you are weak. If you will think you are not strongest you will never succeed in your life and mind”.