Cultural and Religious Importance of Duggar Lakes

A view of Mansar Lake. Excelsior/Rakesh

Ashok Sharma
God has blessed Duggar with rich natural resources including water bodies such as rivers, streams,lakes etc. Since times immemorial, Nature worship has been practised in Duggar and water bodies such as lakes and rivers too have been revered with religious fervour with a lot of cultural and religious importance being associated with them.
Many lakes are treated as shrines and temples have been built on their banks, which are visited by devotees, widely revered and annual pilgrimages are arranged every year in which thousands of pilgrims throng these lakes to pay obeisance to the presiding deity to seek blessings. Though there are a large number of small and big widely revered lakes generally located in Duggar, here are described some famous lakes of Duggar region, which have great cultural and religious importance.
Mansar Lake
Mansar Lake, estimated to have been in existence for about 12000 years,is the world famous fresh water lake located at a distance of about 62 Kms fromJammu. Known for its religious importance and aesthetic beauty,it measures about a mile in length by half a mile in width & is surrounded by forest covered hills.Mansar lake, at an elevation of about 600 metres,has a surface area of 0.59 Sq.Km, basin area of 1.67 Sq.Km.and a circumference of 3020 mtr.This lake is home to a large variety of plants and animals including 207 species of algae, 15 species of waterfowl and seven varieties of fish.The maximum depth of this lake is 37 meters.Besides being a popular excursion site in Jammu,it is also revered as a holy site.
According to a legend, it is believed that while wandering in exile,the Pandava brothers once stayed in this region.It was during this sojourn that Arjuna was enamoured of the beauty of Nag kanya,Ulupi and disported with her.Their meeting resulted in the birth of a son named Babar Vahan who grew up into a youth of great physical power but Arjuna knew nothing about it.The son of Arjuna and Ulupi (who was the daughter of King Nag),named Babar Vahan,was the ruler of this region.After the War,Arjuna performed the Ashwamegh Yagya to prove his power and superiority over this region but the horse, the power symbol of Ashwamegh Yaga, was captured by Babar Vahan at Khoon. As a result,a battle ensued between Arjuna and Babar Vahan in which Arjuna fell down into a swoon.As Babar Vahan’s mother heard of this, she ran fast to the spot and told her son that he had killed his own father.The son was full of remorse and he wanted to bring Arjuna back to life for which he needed precious ‘mani’ which could be had from Sheshnag whose abode was underneath the earth.So he dug a tunnel(surang) with his arrow at one point which was called ‘Surangsar’ now named as Surinsar.Defeating Sheshnag and procuring Mani, he came at Manisar (now Mansar), which was the other end of the tunnel. According to another legend, the brave Pandava warrior, Babar Vahan shot an arrow into the ground at Mansar which emerged faraway at Surinsar.Arjuna was thus, saved and the two depressions created by the passage of arrow got filled up with water in due course of time and became lakes. This is how the twin lakes came into existence, which have great attraction for the tourists.There are well developed parks, a wildlife sanctuary and view points at Mansar.It is considered auspicious to circumambulate the lake and for this purpose a tiled path has been laid around the lake.There is also a Sheshnag Temple on the north eastern bank of the lake. This ancient temple, dedicated to the Hindu Serpent God attracts a large number of devotees and Mundan ceremonies (first hair cut of boys) are performed here.
This lake has inspired many poets, writers and intellectuals for creative writing. In1925, When Maharaja Hari Singh visited Mansar after being coronated, the local poet Sant Ram Shastri recited a poem on the beauty and grandeur of Mansar Lake in the very presence of the Maharaja, which impressed the Maharaja very much. Some of the lines of this poem are:
‘Chairey patan patri n tardiyan/ Atta khalande n lok
Mashi te margaiyan tardian/Kaisa sarrey da Shringar…’
This lake, indeed is the wonderful lake of Duggar region.
Surinsar is also a fresh water lake located at a distance of 16Km from Mansar lake and 42 Kms from Jammu.It has 0.29 Sq.Km area and a circumference of 2420 metres.It is,also known as Shri Harisar.The presiding deity of this lake is Shesh Nag and many clans of Duggar rever Shesh Nag as their Kul Devta.Many people perform the Mundan Ceremony of their sons at Surinsar.On the eve of festivals,thousands of pilgrims visit this lake for a holy dip.Near the lake in the lap of a hill is located the village of Sakaun where there is a grand ancient Shiva temple. In Sakaun, Devika makes its fourth appearance. There is a small island which is home to a large number of bats.On its banks are a number of pine trees and thick mangroves growing on the beautiful hills, which add to its beauty and serenity. Infact, it is a perfect getaway for those who seek joy in tranquility and serenity.The Surinsar Mansar Wildlife Sanctuary is nestled in the midst of both the lakes and supports many mammalian and bird species (85 species of birds including 7 species of water fowl and 22 species of winter birds).The floating lotuses in summer are a treat to the eyes and the soul of the picnickers.
Surinsar is a historical place too. MaharajaRanjit Dev (1733-1785) had given Surinsar as Jagir to his younger brother Balwant Dev who made it a capital. He built palaces and Baradari the remains of which are visible even now. He was also a lover of art and many paintings were made during his times. Bathing ghats have been constructed and parks have been developed to beautify the lake and attract tourists
Sanasar -the world famous tourist resort, also known as ‘Mini Gulmarg’ is nestled in the lap of nature.It is located at an elevation of 2050 metres, just 20 kms from Patnitop and about 130 Kms from Jammu. It is around 50m in length and 30 m in width.During the monsoon,it remains full but in summar, its water level decreases.This lake is dedicated to Nag Devta ShankhPal who is the presiding deity of this region.A wooden temple of Nag Raj Shankh Pal has been built on its bank while another is built on the top of a mountain peak.People have great belief and reverence for Nagraj Shankh Pal and every year pilgrimage is organised at his abode.According to Dr.Satya PalShri Vats,this lake finds mention in Rigveda where it is referred to as’ Shryana Vat Sarovar’.In Rigveda,it has been mentioned that the battle between Lord Indra and Demon Vritra took place at Trik kumbh Mountain ( which is believed to be Trikuta Mountain) which is very near to this lake.In the battle Vritra was killed.(‘Duggar Ke Sar’, by Shiv Nirmohi,page 77).This lake is surrounded by dense coniferous trees and pictursque lush green meadows.In summer, Sanasar is thronged by tourists who experience the breath-taking views of Himalayan mountains, witness the dense vegetation with horses grazing on the lush green pastures, crystal clear lake water with astonishing waves dancing with the breeze and much more.This region is rich in flora and fauna and shepherds grazing their flock and playing melodious tunes of local folklores make it a paradise on the earth.The tourists can have a lot of fun by riding on the horses or just sitting and watching Nature in all her beauty and glory. Sanasar offers adventure activities like Rock-climbing, Paragliding, Hot-air ballooning, Parasailing and enjoying boating in the shikara.The tourists can undertake trek for a few hours from Sanasar to visit Shank Pal Temple located at the highest point of the Shank Pal ridge, at an altitude of 2,800 metres. The 400-year-old temple is dedicated to Nagraj Shank Pal.Then there is Shanta Gala Pass on the Shanta ridge which offers a view of the Panchari valley on the other side of the ridge. The pass leads to the Lander area.There is also a tulip garden developed by the Department of Floriculture at Sanasar which is generally opened for public in May/June.Nathatop is another location near Sanasar,which has a lot to offer to the tourists.
It is an ancient lake whose old name was Kramsar. It was also known as Vishnu Pad. Located in the Pir Panchal region, it is almost three Kms in length and 0.8Km in width. It falls on the boundaries of District Kulgam and Chassana Tehsil of Mahore Sub Division. It is located at about 12Kms from village Vaghankot. It presents unparalleled beauty of nature being located at a majestic height of 13000 ft above sea level. Before1990, pilgrims used to visit this lake via Shopian but now pilgrimage from Reasi is preferred. The pilgrimage from Reasi to Kounsar Nag is organised every year on the eve of Nag Panchmi by Kounsar Nag Yatra Committee. The Yatra starting from Luxmi Narayan Mandir, Reasi is led by the Mahant of the temple. A Shobha Yatra is taken out in Reasi and on the next day, pilgrims move in vehicles to Mahore. They are received enroute at various places by the people and provided refreshment. After taking lunch at Mahore, they pass through the villages of Sarh,Bagga,Vadora etc and finally reach Chasana in the evening. They spend the night at Chasana where their boarding and lodging is arranged by the local organisations. Then they move in vehicles through Mallikot and reach Sarsot where they are served lunch and refreshment by the local people. They move ahead and spend the night at Gorvan where local people arrange their stay in their own homes. Next morning, the pilgrims trek for about 4-5 hours over glacier to reach Kounsar Nag Lake. The devotees take holy dip in the ice cold water of the lake and circumambulate it, which takes about an hour. Some of them offer oblations to their forefathers. They recite bhajans in the glory of Kounsar Nag and pray for fulfilling of their wishes.
Kailash Lake, also known as Vaas Kund, Vasuki Kund, Kapilas Kund etc, is located at a height of 3882 metres above sea level.It finds mention in Vasuki Puran.Thus,it is considered as one of the holiest places since olden times.This lake is about 300 m long and 159m wide and is located amidst rocky stones. The presiding Deity of this lake is Vasuki Nag Devta. It is believed that Vasuki Nag Devta lived here for a long time and started Nag culture from this holy lake which is revered as a place of pilgrimage. This lake is surrounded by mountains and one feels divine peace of mind while being here. A pilgrimage is organised to this lake every year on the Amavasya in the month of Bhadon. Thousands of pilgrims brave cold and steep height to throng this lake in large number.The Chadhi Yatra ( pilgrimage) starts from Bhaderwah from Vasuki Nag Temple at Gatha and is led by the priest of the temple. Traditional musical instruments are also played and there is religious ambience all around.The local people put ‘ Narsama’ in a Thali & lighting incense, follow the Chadhi Yatra for about a km where the Chadhi Yatra stops for some time at a temple where the priest applies a tikka on the forehead of everybody and the Yatra proceeds ahead .The Yatra involves a lot of steep ascent enroute. Some pilgrims hire mules and horses to travel and cover the hilly region. Enroute, there are coniferous trees and breathtaking beauty which soothes the mind. Free langars are arranged for the pilgrims. The pilgrims chant religious hymns and Jayakaras while climbing steep height with slow steps:
‘Jai bolo Jai Naage Basake di Jai/Fir bolo Mani Mahesh di Jai
Fir bolo saanche Darbar ki Jai’
Moving ahead, the pilgrims cover Hiyaan,Gaupeda, Ganthak and Ramdhun from where majestic view of Seoz Dhar can be seen with the shepherds grazing their cattle in the lush green meadows spread across a vast stretch of land. From Ramdhun, Yatra moves forward and covering Shagran, Bhulaar, reaches a vast stretch of lushgreen meadow called Shankh Paddar. Finally, the pilgrims reach the holy lake after covering some descent. They take holy dip in the cold water of the lake and pay obeisance to the Vasuki Nag Devta and Bhola Nath whose idols are there on a platform. Thus, this lake has great religious and cultural significance. Another route to this lake runs from Dudu Basantgarh via picturesque Seoz Dhar.The pilgrims of Dudu, Basantgarh, Ramnagar etc prefer this route to reach this holy lake to pay obeisance to the Deities. Thus, this lake has great religious and cultural importance.
The writer is Sr. Lect. in English (retd.)