Search operation in Narwal area

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 13: Police launched massive search operations in Narwal and adjoining areas on the outskirts of the City this morning following information given by a woman that she observed movement of two suspects.
Searches continued for nearly four hours but no untoward movement was observed anywhere.

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Responding to the woman’s statement that she observed some suspicious movement in Narwal area, Jammu Police while dismissing any such movement said that a combing of the area supported by CCTV-footage analysis yielded nothing to corroborate the observation.
“Jammu police responded swiftly and professionally to the suspicious movement in Narwal area. However contrary to the statement of lady as run by some media portal and channels, it is clarified that there are no telltale signs, suspicious object or suspicious persons to corroborate her observation,

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“There has been complete combing of the area supported by the CCTV footage analysis,” read the statement, adding, “Jammu police is committed to the safety and security of citizens.
People, however, said searches should continue in the area as a precautionary measure and patrolling by police and CRPF should be intensified.
“No stone should be left unturned to protect the civilians,” they said.