Today, I am again lost
Lost in the wilderness
Counting the sorrows and pains
Healing the wounds of love
Today, I am again lost
My breaths are complaining me
With evidences in the hands
Not yet appeared in a court room
I think I am experiencing new
Unable to afford thy cost
Today, I am again lost
My “Greenery” looks ash
Now deserving a fly in the Sky
Through the mountains and peaks
Just like “An Apple picking”
by Sir Frost
Today, I am again lost
I was to overcome the same
But the same is torturing me
I shattered my dreams and hopes
Unable to afford thy cost
Today, I am again lost
Shahid Shamshad Kumar

Daughters Leading India’s Rise

Here girls are worshipped with devotion so grand,
Yet why is it female foeticide stains our land?
In Navratri, they are treated with respect and grace,
But on other days, why such a different face?
Why do we wish for a son in our home,
While daughters often face a darker dome?
How will our India gain a lofty throne,
When equal value to both is not known?
When daughters and sons are seen as one,
Then will India’s greatness truly be won,
And with pride, we can all proclaim,
“My Bharat is truly great in name.”
“Educate the girl, save the girl” is our vow,
No little life in plastic should we allow.
Hold those tiny hands, give her wings to fly,
In a new India, let her dreams touch the sky.
A daughter’s life is no less than a son’s,
Their worth equal, a truth we must not shun.
Let’s pledge today, no more will we let
Female foeticide be a nation’s regret.
We’ll ensure our daughters live with glee,
Happy and thriving, as they ought to be.
India will become a global guide,
With its daughters leading with pride.
In her hands, the tricolor will wave high,
Touching the sky with new dreams in her eye.
Dr. Daisy Parihar


Temples are God’s prisen
all over the World
As if God lives there
looked by worshipmen
surely he smiles freely
at every one every where
But look at the mind
of the pitiable man !
God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient
Sanjay Dhar
Laxmi Nagar, Sarwal, Jammu