Charak calls for immediate action to combat escalating drug menace

Th Gulchain Singh Charak talking to media persons at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Th Gulchain Singh Charak talking to media persons at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 22: Th Gulchain Singh Charak, President of Dogra Sadar Sabha J&K and former Minister, today expressed serious concern over the escalating drug menace across Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory in general and Jammu region in particular.
While addressing a press conference, here today, he called upon the UT administration to recognize severity of this issue and take robust measures against the drug mafia. “Concrete actions must be visible dismantling of drug mafia networks and the protection of our communities,” he added.
The former Minister asserted that the role of law enforcement agencies, particularly the police, is crucial in this battle. He stressed that their efforts must extend beyond mere optics and photo opportunities. The reality of their actions should be evident in the streets of Jammu through successful operations and tangible results against those peddling drugs, he added.
Charak appealed to the higher authorities to avoid complacency and actively support ground-level efforts. “Regular assessments, accountability checks, and sustained commitment are essential to ensure the effectiveness of anti-drug operations. This battle demands a comprehensive and coordinated approach, involving every layer of Governance and society,” he emphasized.
Gulchain Singh Charak reiterated the resilience and strength of the people of Jammu region and hoped that with robust support from the administration and police, the region can overcome the drug menace. “The youth of Jammu, who have always been nationalists at heart, deserve a future free from the clutches of drugs. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that this future is secured,” he added.
Among those who were present in the press conference, included Col (Retd) Karan Singh, P S Gupta, Gambhir Dev Singh Charak, Dr V S Sharma and others.