PDP MPs would fight for honour of J&K people: Baig

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Mar 25: People’s Democratic Party (PDP) senior leader  Muzaffar Hussain Baig has said the representatives who would be elected to Lok Sabha on PDP ticket would convey a clear message to the country that the people of Jammu & Kashmir would no longer take any injustice and denial of rights.
Addressing a workers convention of Pattan Assembly segment of Baramulla Lok Sabha today, he said the PDP after changing the complexion of politics within the State would make a serious and sincere effort to set a new institutionalised and serious Kashmir policy at the national level. “ We will tell the country that the people in J&K cannot be treated as cattle who could be denied their basic rights just because NC has failed to represent us effectively at the Centre”,  Baig added.
He said NC MPs have never raised the issues facing the people of the State in the Parliament. “It was left to some conscientious members from outside the State to raise issues concerning our pain and misery. But, the representatives from the State never opened their mouths in the Parliament but raised their hands in support of the Government whichever party was in power whether BJP or Congress”, Baig said and added the only point of concern for the party was the employment of one member of the Abdullah family in Delhi and another in the State.
Addressing the convention senior leader of party Moulvi Iftikhar Hussain Ansari said NC has time and again betrayed the trust and the confidence of the people and no wise person who is aware of the trickery of the ruling party would ever vote for it. He said the tricks of NC have now lost their effectiveness and people of the State want a change and a break from the past which can be delivered only by the PDP.
Cautioning the people against the division of anti NC vote Moulvi said the people understand that it is a historical occasion for them to get rid of the NC misrule and emotional exploitation by its leaders. He said people realise that PDP is the only credible alternative which can replace NC and individuals claiming to represent people will only help the NC.
In his address Muzaffar Hussain Baig said that NC has taken people of the State for granted and its leaders even abuse the people openly. Referring to the recent remarks of Dr Farooq Abdullah calling Kashmiri’s as ‘Maha Chors’, Beig said if a similar remark had been made by any other leader how so ever popular, about the people of any other State, he would not have been allowed entry to that area. “But the NC has the audacity to have fielded Dr Farooq Abdullah as a candidate in whose name they are now seeking votes.
It is now for the people to give a befitting reply to the NC and ask its leadership whether they are not Kashmiris or do they fall in any other description”, Baig said.