K’war farmers commission Lift Irrigation in collaboration with Distt Admin

Excelsior Correspondent
KISHTWAR, July 1: This is a success story of how progressive farmers from the Satarwajan, Dadpeth area, in collaboration with the District Administration Kishtwar, overcame the challenge of establishing a lift irrigation system that now supports their horticultural setups and hybrid walnut nurseries.
In a remarkable feat of determination and perseverance, the farmers and orchardists, led by Suneel Singh, a progressive orchardist from Gunderna, Tagood, Tehsil Mughal Maidan approached the District Administration to seek help and to achieve the breakthrough.
They sought technical and financial assistance from Deputy Commissioner Dr. Devansh Yadav to lift water from the Sigdi Chatroo River to irrigate their orchards and hybrid walnut nurseries and farms, which are crucial for their livelihood and income.
The journey was fraught with challenges. The nearby river is approximately 400 meters away from the agricultural lands and nurseries, and crossing this distance for water uplift was a significant obstacle. Additionally, the high-flowing Mawarsudhar River from Marwah, which flows in between, posed another challenge. The Mawarsudhar River is 500 feet deep, flows rapidly, and carries a high silt load, which could damage the motors required for the lift system.
The solution was in the Sigdi Chatroo River, which is clean and flows slowly, making it suitable for water lifting. Despite the challenges, the farmers and progressive orchardists employed innovative solutions to overcome these hurdles.
The farmers approached Deputy Commissioner Dr. Devansh Yadav, who provided financial and technical support. The technical resolution involved using 18mm steel wire and 50mm HDPE pipes to cross the rivers, drilling holes, and erecting pillars on both sides.
Despite the odds, the persistent efforts paid off and the set up successfully lifted water from the Sigdi Chatroo River. The total project cost was substantial, with a major portion funded by the District Administration Kishtwar under the convergence of the Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP) and other agriculture schemes, while the remaining contribution was made by the progressive farmers themselves.
The successful endeavor exemplifies the achievements possible through the convergence of the Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP) and other agricultural schemes. By proactively engaging with these government initiatives, farmers can significantly benefit.
The results of this achievement are manifold, boasting high-value crops in the area. One of the farmer’s nurseries bear 20 varieties of walnut plants, totaling 40,000 plants, along with other fruit nurseries, including pecan nuts, kiwi, and apricot.