Sharma addresses issues of Taxi Operators

Transport Secretary Ladakh, Amit Sharma chairing a meeting in Leh on Tuesday.
Transport Secretary Ladakh, Amit Sharma chairing a meeting in Leh on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

LEH, July 2: Transport Secretary-cum-Transport Commissioner, Ladakh, Amit Sharma here today chaired a meeting and listened issues related to public transport including those raised by Taxi Operators and Unions in the Union Territory and pending issues with adjoining States/UTs like Himachal Pradesh and J&K.
At the outset, the Regional Transport Officer (RTO), Ladakh talked about the issue raised by Taxi Operators and Unions regarding Himachal Pradesh which was sorted out after proactive discussions by Secretary Transport with respective Taxi Unions.
Sharma directed that the Transport Department must adhere to the established rules and regulations and must ensure enforcement of same in letter and spirit.
Further, it was also directed by the Transport Commissioner to sort out all pending issues with J&K regarding seeking pending NOCs for buses apportioned to Ladakh from erstwhile SRTC of J&K.
Sharma advised RTO Ladakh and both ARTOs to clear all pending cases of the department in a time-bound manner and create state-of-the art facilities like Automated Testing and Driving Centres at the earliest.
The participants in the meeting included RTO Ladakh, Sheikh Mohd Nazir, Under Secretary Transport, Mohit Sharma, ARTO Leh, Inzar Rana, ARTO Kargil, Khadim Hussain, who attended the meeting virtually from Kargil apart from representatives of many Taxi Unions.