Unchecked Sand Mining

The destruction of the Jhelum embankment near Khankah Bagh in Pampore by the sand mafia is a stark reminder of the unchecked illegal activities plaguing the region. This brazen act has left nearly 400 households vulnerable to potential floods, risking lives and property, and highlights the broader issue of illegal sand mining rampant throughout South Kashmir. Residents’ accounts reveal a well-coordinated effort by the culprits, involving heavy tippers and earth movers operating under the cover of darkness, aided by a suspicious power cut. This deliberate sabotage also destroyed crops belonging to around 100 households. The prompt action by locals in seizing some of the vehicles involved underscores the urgent need for a robust response from the authorities. The administration’s response, involving the Geology and Mining Department, Police, and Revenue Departments, came too late to apprehend the culprits. However, the seizure of the trailer and other vehicles by residents indicates a community fed up with the inaction and ready to defend their livelihoods.
The promise of strict action and FIRs against the culprits are steps in the right direction. Yet, they fall short of addressing the systemic issues enabling such illegal activities. Despite regulations prohibiting the movement of heavy machinery on the Jhelum River embankments, sand miners continue to exploit the riverbed, transporting sand using makeshift roads across affected areas like Reshipora, Dogripora, and Pampore. This persistent defiance of the law highlights the complicity or inefficiency of local authorities in curbing these activities. Experts have long warned of the detrimental effects of excessive sand mining. It accelerates river velocity, leading to erosion of riverbanks and threatening embankments and infrastructure like bridges. The destruction of protective walls erected after the 2014 floods further exacerbates this vulnerability. Additionally, unchecked sand extraction disrupts local ecology, destroying habitats and polluting water sources, thereby threatening environmental stability. The administration must urgently repair the damaged embankment and take stringent measures against the sand mafia. This includes cancelling the licenses and permits of those involved, enhancing surveillance, and ensuring strict enforcement of regulations.