New law anti-democratic, joke with people of J&K: JKPCC Chief

JKPCC Chief Vikar Rasool Wani along with other party leaders attending a public meeting in Doda on Saturday.
JKPCC Chief Vikar Rasool Wani along with other party leaders attending a public meeting in Doda on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent

DODA, July 13: The Congress party today termed the new law anti-democratic and a joke with people of J&K, ahead of restoration of democracy in Jammu & Kashmir and demanded restoration of full statehood before elections.
This was stated by JKPCC Chief Vikar Rasool Wani, while addressing a meeting of its party workers held in the presence of working President Raman Bhalla, former MP Ch Lal Singh, Vice President Adv Naresh Gupta, General Secretary Riyaz Aed and DCC President Sheikh Mujeeb.
The PCC leader Vikar Rasool Wani said that the new amendment is aimed at making the institution of Chief Minister and Council of Ministers as powerless and vesting absolute powers with the Lt Governor, before holding of elections in J&K.
He termed the new order as dictatorial which amounts to further dis-empower the people of Jammu and Kashmir, as the elected Government in future would be powerless with no authority or control over the bureaucracy and administration but would remain accountable to people. Click here to watch video
Speaking on the occasion, working President Raman Bhalla also hit out at BJP for the dictatorial order and said that BJP wants run proxy Government in J&K from Delhi after elections also.
“This is betrayal by BJP and centre with people of J&K and insult to democracy and Constitution. It is totally against the spirit of democracy and Constitution and order should be recalled,” he said and added that reducing the institution of CM and Council of Ministers powerless is insult to people who elect their representatives. The people should repay the BJP in same coin and uproot BJP from J&K which has always insulted people of J&K and disempowered them.
Ch Lal Singh in his address lashed out at BJP Government for total failure on all fronts and giving lot of unemployment and taxations besides snatching livelihood of people by various means.
He said that BJP is afraid of Assembly elections and is passing dictatorial orders to snatch the rights of the elected Government, before it is elected. It is insult to the people of J&K who are being further disempowered instead of giving them full democratic rights. It’s murder of democracy.
“The terrorism is on rise in every part of Jammu region and Modi Govt should take firm measures to control situation for smooth Amarnath Ji Yatra and Assembly elections in time,” he added.
Among others who attended the meeting including, Sham Lal Bhagat, Pyare Lal Shan, Pardeep Bhagat, Shabir Khan, Javed Lone, Lalita Devi, Ranjit Manhas, Abbas Rather and Kuldeep Kotwal.