JTC, SKF constitute DKPUAC of camps, non camps

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 14: Jagti Tenement Committee (JTC) and Soan Kashmir Front (SKF) Advisory and Core Committee in a meeting here at Jagti township today held under the chairmanship of Shadi Lal Pandita constituted Displaced Kashmiri Pandits United Action Committee (DKPUAC) of all camps and non camps.
H L Pandita, K N Bhat , R K Koul, B L Pandita, Vinod Wali, B L Bhat, S L Pandita, Tej Krishan Bhan, S K Raina, Ravinder Koul, Ravinder Raina, A K Dhar, Vinod Bhat, C L Kandi, Ashok Dhar, T K Koul, Jitin Bhat, Vinod Pandita, Veer Ji Bhat, Sumita Bhan, Dr Seema Bhat, Ashok Koul, Daya Krishan, Dileep Pandita, Sameer Raina, Chand Ji Bhat, Manohar Krishan Tickoo, R K Bali, Sunil Koul, P N Koul, P N Pandita, Rakesh Koul, A K Bhat, R L Dhar, Vijay Bakshi, Satish Pandita, A K Bhat, Vijay Suri, O N Raina, Mithan Pandita, K K Pandita, M L Razdan, R K Tickoo and Ashok Kumar Pandita were inducted as its members.
Addressing the meeting Shadi Lal Pandita said that more representatives will be added in the Committee in next few days.
He said the Committee will force the Government to settle the long standing demands of exiled people including rehabilitation of the Displaced Pandits in Valley on the terms and conditions of the community and compensation for losses suffered over last 34 years, enhancement of monthly cash relief, new employment package to displaced youth etc.