Braveheart Capt Thapa was third generation Army officer

Jhunjhunu mourns martyrdom of 2 jawans

KOLKATA, July 16: Parents of martyred Army Captain Brijesh Thapa on Tuesday said they are proud of their son who was killed in action while fighting terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir. The deceased officer was born on Army Day which is observed on January 15 in the country.

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Colonel Bhuwanesh K Thapa (Retd) recalled that his son, a third-generation Army officer in the family, was inspired by him and from his childhood wanted to join the Indian Army.
“I feel proud of my son,” the retired Army officer said. “This is an Army operation and there is always risk in such ops,” he told PTI over phone from Jing Tea Estate in Darjeeling’s Lebong.
Col Thapa maintained that whatever the risk is, the Army personnel have to work sincerely. “My son has done well in such a risky operation and did it sincerely,” he said.
The martyred officer’s mother Nilima said that he was born on Army Day, January 15. “I feel proud he did so much for the country. But it is such a huge loss, so I feel sad also,” said Nilima, controlling her tears.
“Duty is duty. Once you have worn the belt and the cap, you can’t step back,” she said. The poignant mother said that it is the Indian Army personnel at the country’s boundaries who ensure that the citizens live safely. “There is so much deployment at the borders to ensure this,” she said.
Col Thapa said that Brijesh was a qualified engineer, but opted to join the Army.”He was 27 years old and joined the Army five years back,” he said. He said that Brijesh last spoke to the family over the phone on July 14.
The retired Army officer said that they were informed of their son’s martyrdom by the authorities on Monday night. The martyred officer’s mother said that he was from 145 Air Defence Regiment of the Army and was on deputation to 10 Rashtriya Rifles. “He came home on leave in March,” she said, adding that Brijesh was bachelor.
She said that Brijesh was the third generation Army officer from the family, with her father-in-law and husband having served in the force. Nilima said that Brijesh, born in Punjab’s Jalandhar, did his schooling in Army School in Mumbai. His mortal remains are likely to reach Bagdogra airport on Tuesday night.
She said that the mortal remains of Brijesh will be taken to their ancestral house in Lebong on Wednesday morning after wreath laying in Bagdogra. Nilima said that people will pay respects to the martyred officer at several places on the way.
Meanwhile, two villages in Rajasthan’s Jhunjhunu district were in grief on Tuesday as news came in of the death of soldiers Bijendra and Ajay Singh in a gunfight with terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir’s Doda.
“It is a proud moment for all of us. Sepoy Ajay Singh has made the supreme sacrifice to defend the nation. At the same time, it’s a matter of grief that I have lost a friend who was like a brother to me,” said Pintu, a resident of Bhaisawata Kalan village.
Two of the four Army personnel killed in a gunfight with heavily armed terrorists in the Doda district of Jammu and Kashmir belonged to Jhunjhunu district. Sepoy Bijendra is from Dumoli Kalan village.
Ajay Singh’s kin Girwar Singh Naruka said the sepoy’s uncle also serves in the Army and is a recipient of the Sena Medal.
Another relative said Ajay Singh had joined the Army six years ago and got married in 2021. His father is a retired Army personnel, they said.
A local man said the mortal remains of Ajay Singh are expected to arrive in the village on Wednesday, but people have already started to visit his house to pay tributes to the fallen soldier.
In Bhaisawata Kalan village, Sepoy Bijendra’s cousin said they came to know about his death over the phone. The fallen soldier’s family said that Bijendra, who has two children, last visited his home in February this year. (PTI)