PK endorses DGP’s statement on role of internal political actors

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 17: Panun Kashmir (PK) today said the statement of J&K DGP, R R Swain is totally factual in which he has pointed out the role of internal political actors in helping the cause of terrorism and separatism in Jammu and Kashmir.
What DGP has said is bitter truth very critical to the internal security in Jammu and Kashmir, PK Chairman Dr Ajay Chrungoo said in a handout issued here, today.
Internal subversion has been one of the foremost support structures of separatism and terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. And this subversion has roots deep inside the body polity of the Muslim communal identity politics in Jammu and Kashmir spearheaded by National Conference (NC) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP), he said.
Chrungoo said the ecosystem that breeds subversion is actually the capability of the terrorist separatists to use the democratic domain and the Constitutional freedoms of the nation of India for their objectives.
The real problem however lies in the strategic thinking of Government of India which accords halfway separatism in Jammu and Kashmir a nationalist credibility and ensures that the State of India becomes a primary vehicle of denial of Hindu genocide perpetrated by terrorist separatism in J&K, he said.
The PK Chairman said those who enjoy important positions in the upper most echelons of Government of India responsible for formulating the national policies on separatism, terrorism and Pakistan have wittingly or unwittingly laid down the foundations of the enterprise that creates the ecosystem of separatism and terrorism.
Ecosystem of terrorism and separatism in Jammu and Kashmir cannot be dismantled unless the strategic thinking of GoI undergoes a basic change, the statement said.
The present strategic thinking of GoI ensures that ideological basis of terrorism in J&K is denied. This denial leads to denial of Hindu genocide. And denial of Hindu genocide eventually undermines everything which people expect from the State, the statement added.
The mind that ensures that GoI promotes halfway separatism as nationalistic requirement also acts as the prime vehicle of denial of Hindu genocide. This approach seeks to undermine the importance of State of India viz a viz the patriotic citizens of India.
Chrungoo said DGP Swain by pointing out the real props of separatism has fulfilled the foremost responsibility of internal security officer in Jammu and Kashmir and PK commends this effort.
Dilip Pandita a KP activist who contested recent Lok Sabha poll from Anantnag Rajouri constituency also endorsed the statement of DGP.