Braving harsh weather, heavy downpour; over 11000 perform darshan at holy cave

Shri Amarnath Ji bound Yatris in a queue at Bhagwati Nagar Yatri Niwas on Thursday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Shri Amarnath Ji bound Yatris in a queue at Bhagwati Nagar Yatri Niwas on Thursday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 18: Braving harsh weather conditions and heavy downpour up to this afternoon in cave shrine area, over 11,000 pilgrims drawn from different parts of country paid obeisance to the naturally formed Ice Shivlingam on the 20th day of 52 day long pilgrimage today at Himalayan Cave, while a fresh batch of 4383 Yatris left the Bhagwati Nagar Yatri Niwas here early this morning for twin base camps of Nunwan Pahalgam in South Kashmir district of Anantnag and Baltal-Sonamarg in Central Kashmir district of Ganderbal under tight security arrangements in a cavalcade of 157 heavy and light vehicles.

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Officials said braving harsh weather conditions up to this afternoon in the cave shrine area, 11,849 pilgrims paid obeisance at Himalayan cave situated at an altitude of 3888 meters above sea level in South Kashmir’s Lidder Valley on 20th day of pilgrimage by this evening from twin tracks of Baltal and Chandanwari besides special chopper services.
Officials said Yatra remained disturbed for some time during the rain but later plied smoothly from both the tracks. The Yatris who performed darshan in the cave started their return journey towards Baltal base camp and Panchtarni haltage camp.
Officials said that the rush of pilgrims is comparatively better and pilgrims are in high spirits and getting mental solace in the holy pilgrimage.
Officials said with the performance of darshan by 11,849 pilgrims today, a total number of 3,63,372 pilgrims have visited holy cave in last 20 days since the Yatra started o June 29. Out of them majority of pilgrims have returned to their home states while others are on way.
Officials said the pilgrims who reached the twin base camps yesterday proceeded towards holy cave early this morning. While the yatris who chose the shortest Baltal track reached the cave shrine by this evening those from traditional track of Nunwan-Chandanwari have to stay for three nights at different halting camps before reaching cave shrine for darshan.
Officials said thousands of pilgrims are camping at Baltal and Nunwan Base camps as well as other halting camps.
Among the 4383 pilgrims who left Bhagwati Nagar Yatri Niwas for twin base camps of Nunwan -Pahalgam and Baltal-Sonamarg this morning included 3222 male, 1071 females, eight children, 67 Sadhus and 15 Sadhvis.
Among them 1701 pilgrims choose the shortest and terrain Baltal track while 2682 choose the longest but traditional Nunwan Chandanwari route. All these pilgrims have reached their respective base camps by this evening wherefrom they will leave for onwards sojourn tomorrow morning.