Modi threat to BJP; dislodged own party’s established leadership: Azad

Gopal Sharma

Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad addressing large public rally at Banihal on Tuesday.
Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad addressing large public rally at Banihal on Tuesday.

JAMMU, Apr 1:  Union Health & Family Welfare Minister and All India Congress Committee leader, Ghulam Nabi Azad today said that BJP’s Prime Ministerial  candidate Narendra Modi was a threat to the own party and as he has systematically dislodged the BJP’s established leadership in the country.
Addressing large public rallies at Banihal and Ramban today,  Mr Azad said “Modi was no threat to Congress, rather he is threat to the BJP itself. Modi has not challenged Congress but own party leadership. He dislodged the main established leadership of  his own party gradually and systematically.”
Without mentioning the names of  top BJP leaders L K Advani, Murali Manohar Joshi and Jaswant Singh who were humiliated by Modi, Mr Azad, who is Congress candidate from Udhampur- Doda seat said,  treatment meted out to the top and veteran BJP leaders indicates that Modi is  real threat to own party.  He said Modi is going to bulldoze the BJP to establish his own hegemony in the party.
“Modi was not even MLA, when he was brought into the lime light by the towering BJP leader L K Advani in Gujarat when there was internal crisis. It was Advani who helped Modi to become Gujarat Chief Minister and now see the attitude of the same Modi towards the top leader of his party,” Azad maintained.
Azad said BJP is fighting elections on rhetoric of  Modi,  while Congress has been contesting polls on historical back ground in freedom struggle, its tireless and continues efforts to develop infrastructure in the country, which includes roads, airports, railway lines, hospitals, schools, colleges, universities and number of people oriented policies and programmes like NRHM and MNREGA schemes, which have benefited the people of the country.
“BJP is solely campaigning on artificially managed leader who is trying to get votes of the people on myth and dream but the Congress is seeking mandate of  the people on the basis of substantiated work,  it has done for the nation building”, Mr Azad said and added that BJP candidate Narendra Modi has not done any substantiated work in his own State of Gujarat. He termed Modi as super imposed leader, who himself is much against wishes of  his own party leaders.
While highlighting the achievements of UPA Government,  the AICC leader said that under Congress led UPA regime, India has achieved “near universal education” at the primary school level due to Right to Education and the drop-out rate have also decreased. The outlay for education has been constantly increased. Central universities increased from 17 to 44 during 2004-13.
“There has been a three-fold increase in food subsidy during UPA tenure. The Food Security Act will entitle 35 kg of food-grains per month and other families for 5 kg per person at subsidized rates has been passed during UPA regime”, he said.
Criticising BJP for misleading people by spreading false propaganda against Congress, Mr Azad said, “ In comparison to the hard work and tireless efforts made by Congress for the people of  this country, the track record of BJP in general and Narendra Modi in particular is mostly based on rhetoric rather than substantiating work done by them”. Mr Azad further sought to know from  Modi about his contribution so far in nation building.
While cautioning the people not to fall in the nefarious designs of divisive forces, Mr Azad said, “Congress and its leadership is a fact and truth, whereas, so-called artificially managed leadership of BJP is simply myth and dream. People should vote to Congress on the basis of its work done in both pre and post independence era”.
He said BJP used to contest elections on the basis of ideology and now,  an artificially managed face has been projected on a hoax to come in power, which will never become a realty.
Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) president and former Union Minister, Prof Saif-ud-Din Soz in his address described Narendra Modi as Hitler perceiving the false propagandas to rule. He said Hitler also used to talk in the air and so is the attitude of Modi.
Prof Soz said Modi has political career of just 13 years and has yet to enter the  Union Parliament. He is too low to be equated even with the top J&K leader and Union Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, who has bright and successful   career of over 30 years in the Union Parliament. He criticized Modi’s approach for showing disrespect to his top party leaders and even to the top leader who placed him on the chair of Chief Minister.
Praising top BJP leader and former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, Prof Soz reminded that once top opposition leader  had highly  praised Congress president and the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, terming her as ‘Durga Avtar’. But unfortunately, Modi is showing disrespect not only to the opposition leaders but the own party veterans.
Among others who accompanied Mr Azad included Congress Minister of State for Technical Education, PDD and RDD Vikar Rasool, Congress MLA, Ashok Kumar, former Minister and sitting MLA, Abdul Ghani Malik, Congress MLC Sham Lal Bhagat, former NC MLA from Ramban, Dr Chaman Lal besides other senior leaders.