JKPYC holds protest, demands restoration of Statehood

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, July 22: The Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Youth Congress protested in Srinagar today against the current administration’s failure to curb the increasing number of militant attacks in the Jammu region and demanded the immediate restoration of statehood.
Scores of workers and leaders gathered at the party headquarters, denouncing the administration’s handling of militancy. Amid loud sloganeering against the current administration and the BJP, protestors attempted to move outside the party office but were blocked by security personnel. “The BJP government is silent, and nothing is being said in Parliament. They must answer for the bloodshed of the martyrs and restore statehood, as they had earlier claimed they revoked statehood to stop terrorism,” Umar Fayaz, a protesting youth leader, said.
The protestors emphasized that without statehood, the democratic process remains compromised, with true power residing with the Lieutenant Governor (LG). “Where is democracy? The people should choose their representatives, not the LG. We demand the restoration of statehood.” another youth said.
Criticizing the BJP government’s promises during the abrogation of Article 370, the Youth Congress members highlighted the disparity between the claims and the ground reality. They alleged that instead of bringing peace and development, the region has seen increased terrorism and the disempowerment of the local population. “We are against granting additional power to the LG, as he does not understand the people. The continuous attacks indicate the administration has failed to contain militancy, spreading it to Jammu as well,” a protestor said.
They highlighted the increase in terrorist attacks in previously peaceful areas, resulting in tragic losses for both civilians and defense personnel. “We firmly demand that statehood be restored to Jammu and Kashmir before any elections take place, as it is important to revive democracy here,” another protestor said.